Coastal Monitoring Site: Stonehaven
The Stonehaven monitoring site is on the east coast of Scotland,approximately eight miles to the south of Aberdeen, and has been an active monitoring site since 1997. This site fulfills the monitoring requirements of EU Water
Framework Directive and EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
The Stonehaven monitoring site is 50 m in depth and located 5 km offshore. The coastline in this region is relatively straight and the whole area is very exposed to the North Sea. At the site tidal stirring mixes the water column, but stratification due to freshwater run-off and the seasonal heating/cooling cycle can also occur at times.
Since 2000, water column profiles using CTDs were made, in addition to the water samples collected from the site, using the RV Temora (Figure 3.11). In addition, in 2015 the minilogger from Findon/Cove bay was deployed to a site in Stonehaven