Marine Scotland Data Portal

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Marine Scotland Data Publication is a platform for publishing datasets with associated digital object identifiers (DOI's). This allow users to reference data appropriately, and for researchers to gain recognition for publishing data.

Support information: 

We automatically load the datasets from this portal into the marine information portal. You can also access and search these datasets with additional metadata and data exploration features on the dedicated portal

Titlesort ascending Updated date
Crab and Lobster Fisheries in Scotland: Results of Stock Assessments 2013-2015 21/02/2019
Crab and Lobster Fisheries in Scotland: Results of Stock Assessments 2009-2012 21/02/2019
Contaminant data 1999-2015 for the National Performance Framework Clean Seas Indicator 2016 16/04/2019
Contaminant data 1999-2014 for the National Performance Framework Clean Seas Indicator 2015 17/04/2019
Contaminant and biological effect data to support MSFD Descriptor 8 1999-2015 by CSEMP Region 21/02/2019
Contaminant and biological effect data 1999-2017 for the 2018 CSEMP assessment 29/10/2019
Contaminant and biological effect data 1999-2016 for the National Performance Framework Clean Seas Indicator 2017 15/04/2019
Contaminant and biological effect data 1999-2016 for the 2017 CSEMP assessment 21/03/2019
Connectivity of benthic priority marine species within the Scottish MPA network 21/02/2019
Comparing the Diet of Harbour and Grey seals in Scotland and eastern England 21/02/2019
Collection of Data to Inform the Implementation of a Discards Ban 21/02/2019
Collection of bycatch data for spurdog (Squalus acanthias) in the North Minch fishery: Report of Fishing Industry Science Alliance (FISA) Project 02/13 21/02/2019
Collation of Available Datasets on Smolt Populations in Scotland to Assess Migration Run Times 21/02/2019
Climatology of Surface and Near-bed Temperature and Salinity on the North-West European Continental Shelf for 1971–2000 21/02/2019
Celtic Sea Scottish Quarter 1 Otter Trawl Groundfish Survey Monitoring and Assessment Data Products 21/02/2019
Celtic Sea Scottish Otter Trawl Quarter 4 Groundfish Survey Monitoring and Assessment Data Products 21/02/2019
Celtic Sea Northern Ireland Otter Trawl Quarter 4 Groundfish Survey Monitoring and Assessment Data Products 21/02/2019
Celtic Sea Northern Ireland Otter Trawl Quarter 1 Groundfish Survey Monitoring and Assessment Data Products 21/02/2019
Celtic Sea English Quarter 3 Beam Trawl Groundfish Survey Monitoring and Assessment Data Products 21/02/2019
Celtic Sea /Bay of Biscay French Quarter 4 Otter Trawl Groundfish Survey Monitoring and Assessment Data Products 21/02/2019
Brahan Project SeaSonde HF Radar Data 21/02/2019
Brahan Project In Situ Data 21/02/2019
Blue carbon audit of Orkney waters 13/01/2020
Behavioural Responses of Atlantic Salmon to Mains Frequency Magnetic Fields 21/02/2019
Bay of Biscay Iberian Coast Portugal Otter Trawl Quarter 4 Groundfish Survey Monitoring and Assessment Data Products 21/02/2019


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