Marine Scotland Data Portal

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Marine Scotland Data Publication is a platform for publishing datasets with associated digital object identifiers (DOI's). This allow users to reference data appropriately, and for researchers to gain recognition for publishing data.

Support information: 

We automatically load the datasets from this portal into the marine information portal. You can also access and search these datasets with additional metadata and data exploration features on the dedicated portal

Titlesort descending Updated date
Marine Licence- Marine Farm- Bay Of Holland, Stronsay, Orkney - 00009578 16/08/2022
Marine Licence- Marine Farm- Binnaness, Shetland- 00009205 16/08/2022
Marine Licence- Marine Farm- Caolas Loch Portain, Loch nam Madadh- 00009520 10/10/2024
Marine Licence- Marine Farm- carvar Ayre 1, Dales Voe, Delting, Shetland- 00009640 16/08/2022
Marine Licence- Marine Farm- Hamnavoe, Eshaness, Shetland- 00009817 16/08/2022
Marine Licence- Marine Farm- North Ayre, Basta Voe, Shetland- 00010358 25/09/2024
Marine Licence- Marine Farm- Portnalong, Ardtreck Bay, Skye- 00009946 13/01/2023
Marine Licence- Marine Harvest (Scotland) Ltd- Marine Farm- Loch Torridon- 06074 13/01/2023
Marine Licence- Marine Licence - Marine Farm - Duich Fish Farm, Loch Duich - 00010558 21/10/2024
Marine Licence- Riverbank Works - Barra Airport, Eoligarry, Isle of Barra- 00009763 16/08/2022
Marine Licence- Slipway Remedial Works- Iona Ferry Terminal- 00009873 16/08/2022
Marine Licence- UXO Clearance Activities- Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth- 000010033 24/01/2023
Maximum 7-day rolling mean of maximum temperatures for August 2015 for the rivers Spey, Dee, Tweed and Bladnoch 21/02/2019
Measurement of Contaminants and their Effects in Environmental Samples - Proposal for the Revision of the Sampling Programme 21/02/2019
Measurement of contaminants in food for Marine Strategy Framework Directive Descriptor 9 21/02/2019
Measurement of Hearing in the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using Auditory Evoked Potentials, and effects of Pile Driving Playback on salmon Behaviour and Physiology 21/02/2019
Microarray for the Detection and Quantification of Toxin-Producing Phytoplankton Species in Scottish Coastal Waters 21/02/2019
Micronuclei data 2012 - 2014 for the 2018 MSFD assessment 09/12/2019
Modelling Harbour Seal Movements 21/02/2019
Modelling of Noise Effects of Operational Offshore Wind Turbines including noise transmission through various foundation types 21/02/2019
Modelling the Effects of Marine Energy Extraction on Non-Cohesive Sediment Transport and Morphological Change in the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters 21/02/2019
Monitoring of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in Scottish Deepwater Environments (MoreDeep) 21/02/2019
Monitoring the Consequences of the Northwestern North Sea Sandeel Fishery Closure 21/02/2019
Moored data from NWZ-E monitoring site in the Faroe-Shetland Channel 06/11/2019
National Electrofishing Programme for Scotland Fish Counts 12/07/2019


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