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Uncertainty estimates

The fixed and relative standard deviation (s and v) derived from the ICES data base (extraction date: 11 January 2022) and used to estimate missing uncertainties are tabulated below for biota and sediment. The unit only applies to the fixed standard deviation; the relative standard deviation is unitless. The notes at the bottom of each table describe the approach taken when there were insufficient data in the ICES data base to derive the fixed and relative standard deviations.

group code name unit fixed sd relative sd
Metals AS Arsenic μg/kg 3.1333 0.0752
CD Cadmium μg/kg 0.5269 0.0702
CR Chromium μg/kg 3.0000 0.1456
CO Cobalt μg/kg 0.3000 0.1250
CU Copper μg/kg 2.0000 0.0763
PB Lead μg/kg 2.3333 0.1037
HG Mercury μg/kg 0.5410 0.0880
NI Nickel μg/kg 3.3333 0.1470
SE Selenium μg/kg 2.9848 0.0826
AG Silver μg/kg 1.6333 0.1500
SN Tin μg/kg 3.3333 0.2500
ZN Zinc μg/kg 50.0000 0.0740
Organotins MBSN+ Monobutyl tin cation μg/kg 0.3000 0.2000
MPSN+ Monophenyl tin cation μg/kg 0.3000 0.2000
DBSN+ Dibutyl tin cation μg/kg 0.3000 0.2000
DPSN+ Diphenyl tin cation μg/kg 0.3000 0.2000
TBSN+ Tributyl tin cation μg/kg 0.3000 0.2000
TPSN+ Triphenyl tin cation μg/kg 0.3000 0.2000
PAH parent compounds NAP Naphthalene μg/kg 0.1667 0.2420
ACNLE Acenaphthylene μg/kg 0.1017 0.2768
ACNE Acenaphthene μg/kg 0.0567 0.2530
FLE Fluorene μg/kg 0.0800 0.2100
PA Phenanthrene μg/kg 0.1321 0.1468
ANT Anthracene μg/kg 0.0667 0.2200
DBT Dibenzothiophene μg/kg 0.1000 0.2354
FLU Fluoranthene μg/kg 0.1667 0.1230
PYR Pyrene μg/kg 0.1667 0.1275
BAA Benzo[a]anthracene μg/kg 0.0933 0.1885
CHR Chrysene μg/kg 0.0829 0.1400
BAP Benzo[a]pyrene μg/kg 0.0533 0.2119
BEP Benzo[e]pyrene μg/kg 0.1667 0.1014
BBKF Benzo[b,k]fluoranthene μg/kg 0.1400 0.1359
DBAHA Dibenz[ah]anthracene μg/kg 0.0450 0.2306
PER Perylene μg/kg 0.1500 0.2225
BGHIP Benzo[g,h,i]perylene μg/kg 0.0567 0.2100
ICDP Indeno[123-cd]pyrene μg/kg 0.0633 0.2603
PAH alkylated compounds NAPC1 C1 Naphthalenes μg/kg 0.3667 0.2188
NAPC2 C2 Naphthalenes μg/kg 0.1667 0.1207
NAPC3 C3 Naphthalenes μg/kg 0.1867 0.1345
NAPC4 C4 Naphthalenes μg/kg 0.0567 0.1177
PAC1 C1 Phenanthrenes μg/kg 0.1667 0.1826
PAC2 C2 Phenanthrenes μg/kg 0.0667 0.1530
PAC3 C3 Phenanthrenes μg/kg 0.1667 0.1826
DBTC1 C1 Dibenzothiophene μg/kg 0.2500 0.1049
DBTC2 C2 Dibenzothiophene μg/kg 0.3383 0.1073
DBTC3 C3 Dibenzothiophenes μg/kg 0.4850 0.1071
PAH metabolites NAP2OH 2-hydroxy naphthalene ng/ml 0.1233 0.1750
PA1OH 1-hydroxy phenanthrene ng/ml 0.1233 0.1750
PYR1OH 1-hydroxy pyrene ng/ml 0.1233 0.1500
PYR1OHEQ 1-hydroxy pyrene equivalent μg/ml 0.1233 0.1750
BAP3OH 3-hydroxy benzo(a)pyrene ng/ml 0.1233 0.2000
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers BDE28 μg/kg 0.0020 0.2825
BDE47 μg/kg 0.0035 0.1667
BDE66 μg/kg 0.0015 0.2990
BDE85 μg/kg 0.0018 0.2174
BDE99 μg/kg 0.0030 0.2308
BD100 μg/kg 0.0027 0.2032
BD126 μg/kg 0.0030 0.2308
BD153 μg/kg 0.0015 0.2500
BD154 μg/kg 0.0018 0.2670
BD183 μg/kg 0.0026 0.2655
BD209 μg/kg 0.0333 0.2556
SBDE6 Sum of BDE 28, 47, 99, 100, 153, 154 μg/kg 0.0105 0.1875
Organobromines (other) HBCD μg/kg 0.0167 0.2500
HBCDA alpha-HBCD μg/kg 0.0022 0.2500
HBCDB beta-HBCD μg/kg 0.0433 0.2500
HBCDG gamma-HBCD μg/kg 0.0233 0.3000
TBBPA Tetrabromobiphenol-A μg/kg 0.0667 0.2500
Organofluorines PFOA μg/kg 0.0750 0.1780
PFNA μg/kg 0.0500 0.2500
PFDA μg/kg 0.0433 0.2495
PFUNDA μg/kg 0.0400 0.2416
PFDOA μg/kg 0.0467 0.2785
PFTRDA μg/kg 0.0700 0.2600
PFTDA μg/kg 0.0700 0.3235
PFBS μg/kg 0.0333 0.3400
PFHXS μg/kg 0.0183 0.1298
PFOS μg/kg 0.0667 0.1998
PFOSA μg/kg 0.1717 0.1650
Polychlorinated biphenyls CB28 μg/kg 0.0300 0.1700
CB52 μg/kg 0.0333 0.1683
CB101 μg/kg 0.0333 0.1500
CB105 μg/kg 0.0054 0.1750
CB118 μg/kg 0.0333 0.1515
CB126 μg/kg 0.0000 0.1641
CB138 μg/kg 0.0333 0.1500
CB153 μg/kg 0.0333 0.1391
CB156 μg/kg 0.0033 0.1531
CB169 μg/kg 0.0001 0.1400
CB180 μg/kg 0.0333 0.1500
SCB6 Sum of ICES 6 CBs μg/kg 0.2000 0.1280
SCB7 Sum of ICES 7 CBs μg/kg 0.2333 0.1283
Dioxins CDF2T μg/kg 0.0000 0.1497
CDD1N μg/kg 0.0000 0.1500
TCDD μg/kg 0.0000 0.1400
TEQDFP WHO-TEQ (DFP) TEQ μg/kg 0.0000 0.1375
Organochlorines (other) DDEPP DDE (p,p’) μg/kg 0.0167 0.1809
DDTOP DDT (o,p’) μg/kg 0.0067 0.2625
DDTPP DDT (p,p’) μg/kg 0.0133 0.2500
TDEPP TDE (p,p’) μg/kg 0.0067 0.1970
HCB Hexachlorobenzene μg/kg 0.0117 0.2135
HCBD Hexachlorobutadiene μg/kg 0.0226 0.1556
HCEPX Heptachlor epoxide μg/kg 0.0139 0.1650
HCHA alpha-HCH μg/kg 0.0035 0.2270
HCHB beta-HCH μg/kg 0.0067 0.2318
HCHG gamma-HCH μg/kg 0.0114 0.2731
HCH Sum of HCH A B G μg/kg 0.0133 0.2200
MCCP Medium chain chlorinated paraffin μg/kg 0.3333 0.1390
SCCP Short chain chlorinated paraffin μg/kg 0.3333 0.1397
ALD Aldrin μg/kg 0.0050 0.2500
DIELD Dieldrin μg/kg 0.0036 0.2000
END Endrin μg/kg 0.0172 0.1339
ISOD Isodrin μg/kg 0.0333 0.1651
OCDAN Oxychlordane μg/kg 0.0010 0.1750
Biological effects (other) ACHE nmol/min/mg protein 0.0000 0.4000
ALAD ng/min/mg protein 0.0000 0.2000
EROD pmol/min/mg protein 0.5055 0.0544
GST nmol/min/mg protein 0.0000 0.2000

  • DBSN+, MBSN+, TPSN+, DPSN+ and MPSN+: s and v were imputed from TBSN+
  • PAC3: s and v were imputed from PAC1
  • PA1OH, BAP3OH: s was imputed from PYR1OH (no limits of detection in the data base)
  • NAP2OH, PYR1OHEQ: s and v were imputed from PA1OH (no uncertainties or limits of detection in the data base)
  • BD126: s and v were imputed from BDE99
  • ACHE: v was set to 0.4 (median value) and s was set to 0 (no limits of detection)
  • GST: v was set to 0.2 (median value) and s was set to 0 (no limits of detection)
  • ALAD: s and v were set to 0 and 0.2 based on typical values for other biological effects (no uncertainties or limits of detection)
  • Scope for Growth (not tabulated above): this is assessed on the untransformed scale (not the logarithmic scale) and s and v were set to 0.1 and 0

group code name unit fixed sd relative sd
Metals AS Arsenic mg/kg 0.1000 0.1003
CD Cadmium mg/kg 0.0050 0.1100
CR Chromium mg/kg 0.2167 0.0900
CU Copper mg/kg 0.1583 0.0905
PB Lead mg/kg 0.2833 0.0905
HG Mercury mg/kg 0.0022 0.1004
NI Nickel mg/kg 0.1500 0.0842
ZN Zinc mg/kg 0.2583 0.0848
Organotins MBSN+ Monobutyl tin cation μg/kg 0.1167 0.2654
MPSN+ Monophenyl tin cation μg/kg 0.1167 0.2654
DBSN+ Dibutyl tin cation μg/kg 0.1167 0.2654
DPSN+ Diphenyl tin cation μg/kg 0.1167 0.2654
TBSN+ Tributyl tin cation μg/kg 0.1000 0.2400
TPSN+ Triphenyl tin cation μg/kg 0.1000 0.2400
PAH parent compounds NAP Naphthalene μg/kg 0.4867 0.1405
ACNLE Acenaphthylene μg/kg 0.3333 0.2713
ACNE Acenaphthene μg/kg 0.4000 0.1862
FLE Fluorene μg/kg 0.4333 0.1879
PA Phenanthrene μg/kg 1.0000 0.1186
ANT Anthracene μg/kg 0.3333 0.1708
DBT Dibenzothiophene μg/kg 0.1667 0.1000
FLU Fluoranthene μg/kg 0.3333 0.0874
PYR Pyrene μg/kg 0.5000 0.0906
BAA Benzo[a]anthracene μg/kg 0.3333 0.1300
CHR Chrysene μg/kg 0.6667 0.1224
BAP Benzo[a]pyrene μg/kg 0.3333 0.1500
BEP Benzo[e]pyrene μg/kg 0.4667 0.0797
BBKF Benzo[b,k]fluoranthene μg/kg 0.6667 0.1500
DBAHA Dibenz[ah]anthracene μg/kg 0.3333 0.2533
PER Perylene μg/kg 0.1383 0.1000
BGHIP Benzo[g,h,i]perylene μg/kg 0.3333 0.1500
ICDP Indeno[123-cd]pyrene μg/kg 0.3333 0.1148
PAH alkylated compounds NAPC1 C1 Naphthalenes μg/kg 0.4467 0.1036
NAPC2 C2 Naphthalenes μg/kg 0.5200 0.0724
NAPC3 C3 Naphthalenes μg/kg 0.0833 0.0899
NAPC4 C4 Naphthalenes μg/kg 0.0333 0.1084
PAC1 C1 Phenanthrenes μg/kg 0.3800 0.0666
PAC2 C2 Phenanthrenes μg/kg 0.1117 0.0793
PAC3 C3 Phenanthrenes μg/kg 0.3850 0.0833
DBTC1 C1 Dibenzothiophene μg/kg 0.0667 0.0939
DBTC2 C2 Dibenzothiophene μg/kg 0.1283 0.1283
DBTC3 C3 Dibenzothiophenes μg/kg 0.0833 0.0910
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers BDE28 μg/kg 0.0067 0.2537
BDE47 μg/kg 0.0067 0.1500
BDE66 μg/kg 0.0100 0.1977
BDE85 μg/kg 0.0100 0.1929
BDE99 μg/kg 0.0067 0.1997
BD100 μg/kg 0.0083 0.1954
BD153 μg/kg 0.0067 0.2246
BD154 μg/kg 0.0067 0.2220
BD183 μg/kg 0.0083 0.3000
BD209 μg/kg 0.2700 0.2628
Organobromines (other) HBCD μg/kg 0.0700 0.3212
HBCDA alpha-HBCD μg/kg 0.0233 0.3000
HBCDB beta-HBCD μg/kg 0.0233 0.3000
HBCDG gamma-HBCD μg/kg 0.0233 0.3296
Polychlorinated biphenyls CB28 μg/kg 0.0227 0.1691
CB52 μg/kg 0.0333 0.2259
CB101 μg/kg 0.0333 0.1519
CB105 μg/kg 0.0163 0.1801
CB118 μg/kg 0.0300 0.1650
CB138 μg/kg 0.0333 0.1659
CB153 μg/kg 0.0333 0.1439
CB156 μg/kg 0.0033 0.1741
CB180 μg/kg 0.0300 0.1741
Dioxins CDF2T μg/kg 0.0001 0.2376
CDD1N μg/kg 0.0001 0.2376
TCDD μg/kg 0.0001 0.2376
TEQDFP WHO-TEQ (DFP) TEQ μg/kg 0.0000 0.2376
Organochlorines (other) DDEPP DDE (p,p’) μg/kg 0.0050 0.2600
DDTOP DDT (o,p’) μg/kg 0.0067 0.3000
DDTPP DDT (p,p’) μg/kg 0.0050 0.2600
TDEPP TDE (p,p’) μg/kg 0.0067 0.3000
HCB Hexachlorobenzene μg/kg 0.0067 0.3761
HCBD Hexachlorobutadiene μg/kg 0.0067 0.3761
HCEPX Heptachlor epoxide μg/kg 0.0067 0.3761
HCHA alpha-HCH μg/kg 0.0052 0.3000
HCHB beta-HCH μg/kg 0.0067 0.3823
HCHG gamma-HCH μg/kg 0.0050 0.3000
ALD Aldrin μg/kg 0.0067 0.3000
DIELD Dieldrin μg/kg 0.0128 0.1883
Normalisers AL Aluminium % 0.0007 0.1256
LI Lithium mg/kg 0.0333 0.1488
CORG Organic Carbon % 0.0100 0.1000

  • MPSN+, DPSN+, TPSN+: s and v were imputed from MBSN+, DBSN+ and TBSN+ respectively
  • CB156: v was imputed from CB180
  • CDF2T, CDD1N, TEQDFP: v was imputed from TCDD
  • DDTPP: s and v were imputed from DDEPP
  • HCBD, HCEPX: s and v were imputed from HCB