Fishing - managed areas

What is it: 

The various layers show areas which are subject to fishing restrictions or closures (either all year or seasonal) for one of a number of reasons: closed to all fishing; species restrictions; gear restrictions (static and mobile); vessel size / capacity restrictions.

Some of these restrictions are also included on the UK fishing restrictions from Kingfisher

Links to Scotland's Marine Atlas: 
This information page is part of the theme: 
Montage of all layers to show various fishing restrictions © Marine Scotland

Links and Resources

Map Typesort ascending Click title for metadata and licence information Date of data View Map
Map Layers (NMPi) Regulating and Several Orders for shellfish 2019-08-18 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing of HORSE MUSSELS is restricted 2024-02-22 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing is allowed by NON-UK vessels within Scottish waters - foreign fishing rights in coastal waters and the Faroes Special Area 2023-03-16 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing BY HAND is restricted 2024-02-22 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where ALL FISHING is restricted 2024-02-22 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing of BASS is restricted 2024-02-22 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing of SANDEELS is restricted 2023-03-16 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing of QUEEN SCALLOPS is restricted 2024-02-22 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing/harvesting of COCKLES is restricted 2024-02-22 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing of RAZOR CLAMS (Ensis spp.) is authorised for scientific purposes 2022-02-03 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing of KING SCALLOPS is restricted 2024-02-22 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing with BOTTOM CONTACTING MOBILE GEAR is prohibited or not practical 2024-02-22 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing of HERRING is restricted 2024-02-22 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing of BLUE LING is restricted 2024-02-22 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing with GILLNETS is restricted 2024-02-22 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing with CREELS is restricted 2024-02-22 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing with (STATIC) HOOKS is restricted 2024-02-22 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing with BOTTOM TRAWLS is restricted 2024-02-22 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing with PELAGIC TRAWLS is restricted 2024-02-22 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing with DREDGES is restricted 2024-02-22 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing with SUCTION DREDGES is restricted 2024-02-22 Access this map on NMPi
Map Layers (NMPi) Areas where fishing with vessels over a certain LENGTH is restricted 2024-02-22 Access this map on NMPi