Historic Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) (HES WMS)
What is it:
There are many thousands of marine heritage sites on the seabed around Scotland. A small number of sites of national importance have statutory protection as Historic Marine Protected Areas.
The vessels / sites are:
- Drumbeg (Sutherland)
- Mingary (Sound of Mull)
- Kinlochbervie
- Campania (Firth of Forth)
- Out Skerries (Shetland)
- Dartmouth (Sound of Mull)
- Duart Point (Sound of Mull)
- Iona (Firth of Clyde)
Links to Scotland's Marine Atlas:
Data originators:
This information page is part of the theme:

Campania - Firth of Forth © ADUS/MoD Salvage and Marine; and Wessex Archaeology