Map Layers (NMPi)

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon
Titlesort descending Updated date
West Coast of the Outer Hebrides - Great northern diver - Maximum curvature and distribution (NatureScot WMS) 05/09/2023
West Coast of the Outer Hebrides - Long-tailed duck - Maximum curvature and distribution (NatureScot WMS) 05/09/2023
West Coast of the Outer Hebrides - Red-breasted merganser - Maximum curvature and distribution (NatureScot WMS) 05/09/2023
West Coast of the Outer Hebrides - Red-throated diver - Maximum curvature and predicted distribution (NatureScot WMS) 05/09/2023
West Coast of the Outer Hebrides - Slavonian grebe - Maximum curvature and distribution (NatureScot WMS) 05/09/2023
West coast shelf analysis model confidence for summers (1994 to 2011) 16/06/2023
West coast shelf analysis survey effort (1994 to 2011) for harbour porpoise modelling 16/06/2023
West Highlands region (Mask) 06/12/2022
West Scotland Shelf analysis persistent top 10% density harbour porpoise 16/06/2023
West Scotland shelf analysis visual corrected harbour porpoise count data (summer 1994 to 2011) 16/06/2023
WFD Area Advisory Groups (SEPA WMS) 03/11/2023
Whale and Dolphin Conservation Effort related sightings data for Risso's dolphin (animals per kilometre) 2010 - 2017 16/06/2023
White cluster anemone 16/06/2023
Whiting - spawning grounds - North Sea (Gonzalez-Irusta and Wright 2017) 14/03/2022
Whiting - Modelled probability of year 0 group (restricted zoom) 09/01/2019
Whiting - nursery grounds (Coull et al 1998) 28/09/2017
Whiting - spawning grounds (Coull et al 1998) 28/09/2017
Whiting distribution in Scotland's seas 16/06/2023
Widewall Bay Refuge 30/07/2024
Window shell (Theora lubrica) (NBN Atlas) 03/11/2023
World Heritage Sites (HES WMS) 26/02/2019
World Maritime Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Boundaries (Indicative) (VLIZ WMS) 05/07/2021
Ythan Estuary, Sands of Forvie and Meikle Loch (extension) - Little tern - Colony location, average passage and estimated foraging extent (NatureScot WMS) 05/09/2023
Ythan Estuary, Sands of Forvie and Meikle Loch (extension) - Sandwich tern - Maximum curvature and predicted foraging distribution (NatureScot WMS) 05/09/2023


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