Map Layers (NMPi)

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon
Titlesort descending Updated date
Areas where fishing of BLUE LING is restricted 22/02/2024
Areas where fishing of HERRING is restricted 22/02/2024
Areas where fishing of HORSE MUSSELS is restricted 22/02/2024
Areas where fishing of KING SCALLOPS is restricted 22/02/2024
Areas where fishing of QUEEN SCALLOPS is restricted 22/02/2024
Areas where fishing of RAZOR CLAMS (Ensis spp.) is authorised for scientific purposes 03/02/2022
Areas where fishing of SANDEELS is restricted 16/03/2023
Areas where fishing with (STATIC) HOOKS is restricted 22/02/2024
Areas where fishing with BOTTOM CONTACTING MOBILE GEAR is prohibited or not practical 22/02/2024
Areas where fishing with BOTTOM TRAWLS is restricted 22/02/2024
Areas where fishing with CREELS is restricted 22/02/2024
Areas where fishing with DREDGES is restricted 22/02/2024
Areas where fishing with GILLNETS is restricted 22/02/2024
Areas where fishing with PELAGIC TRAWLS is restricted 22/02/2024
Areas where fishing with SUCTION DREDGES is restricted 22/02/2024
Areas where fishing with vessels over a certain LENGTH is restricted 22/02/2024
Areas where fishing/harvesting of COCKLES is restricted 22/02/2024
Argyll region (Mask) 06/12/2022
Asian oyster drill (Ocinebrellus inornatus) (NBN Atlas) 03/11/2023
Asian shore crab (Hemigrapsus sanguineus) (NBN Atlas) 03/11/2023
Assessment areas - Charting Progress 2 (CP2) Regions 31/05/2023
Assessment areas - Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) UK sub regions 13/02/2019
Assessment areas - OSPAR area - Regions 18/03/2020
August - Monthly distribution and relative abundance of Minke whale (1979 -1997) 16/06/2023
August - Monthly distribution and relative abundance of Risso's dolphin (1979 -1997) 16/06/2023


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