07001 - Lochmaddy Ferry Terminal Development (Dredging and Sea Disposal)- Lochmaddy, North Uist
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This application is part of the following projects:
MS-LOT Associated application docs
stage document was submitted | Application type | Date submitted | |
Lochmaddy - 07000/07001 - Scoping Opinion | Pre-application | Construction, alteration or improvement of any works | 2019-10-18 |
Lochmaddy - 07000/07001 - Screening Opinion | Pre-application | Construction, alteration or improvement of any works | 2019-10-18 |
stage document was submitted | Application type | Date submitted | |
Lochmaddy - 07000/07001 - Appropriate Assessment | Determination | Construction, alteration or improvement of any works | 2019-10-18 |
Lochmaddy - 07000/07001 - Marine Protected Area Assessment | Determination | Construction, alteration or improvement of any works | 2019-10-18 |
stage document was submitted | Application type | Date submitted | |
Annex Two - Lochmaddy Ferry Terminal Development - Loch Maddy, North Uist - 07001 | Licence | Dredging | 2019-11-05 |
Marine Licence - Lochmaddy Ferry Terminal Development - Loch Maddy, North Uist - 07001 | Licence | Dredging | 2019-11-05 |
Lochmaddy - 07000/07001 - Consultation Responses | Licence | Construction, alteration or improvement of any works | 2019-10-18 |