European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) Ltd - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site

The Fall of Warness tidal test site is located to the west of the island of Eday. The site consists of 8 cabled test berths at various depths in an approximately 8km² area.

EMEC hold a Section 36 consent under the Electricity Act 1989, which covers the generation of electricity for the whole of the  Fall of Warness site. This simplifies the application process for developers testing devices in this area and allows consent conditions to be applied to the whole site, as well as on specific developments.

The Fall of Warness site has 8 berths which are occupied by various different projects.  Details about the current and previous occupants of the berths can be found below.

Fall of Warness – Current Berth Listing

Berth 1


Berth 2


Berth 3

Orbital Projects 4 Limited

Berth 4

Open Hydro

Berth 5

Orbital Marine Power (Orkney) plc

Berth 6

Orbital Projects 3 Limited

Berth 7

European Marine Energy Centre

Berth 8

Orbital Marine Power Ltd (formerly Scotrenewables)


Project stage: 
Project type: 
Renewables - Wave

Project Applications and supporting documentation

Application stage Application type
Marine Licence - Installation and Operation (including decommissioning) of two Magallanes Tidal Platforms - Fall of Warness, EMEC - 00010681/00010880 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence – Construction, Operation and Maintenance of the SEASTAR Tidal Project – Fall of Warness, EMEC - 00010650 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence – Construction, Operation and Maintenance of the OCEANSTAR Tidal Project – Fall of Warness, EMEC - 00010649 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence – Construction, Operation and Maintenance (including decommissioning) of two Orbital O2-X Floating Tidal Energy Generators – Orbital Eday 4, EMEC Fall of Warness – 00010628 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence – Construction, Operation and Maintenance (including decommissioning) of Orbital O2-X Floating Tidal Energy Generator – Orbital Eday 3, EMEC Fall of Warness – 00010626 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence - Removal and Decommissioning of Tidal Energy Convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 4 - 00010436 Licence Renewables - Wave
Marine Licence – Tidal Energy Convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 1 – 00009541/00010495 Licence Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Basking Shark Licence – Construction and Operation of Tidal Energy Convertor - Berth 1, Fall of Warness – 00010186/00010497 Licence Renewables - Tidal
European Protected Species Licence – Construction and Operation of Tidal Energy Convertor - Berth 1, Fall of Warness – 00010185/00010496 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Section 36 Consent (new proposal) - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Pre-application Renewables - Tidal
Section 36 Consent Variation - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Application Renewables - Tidal
Section 36 consent - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Post-consent Renewables - Wave
Marine Licence – Tidal Energy Convertor – Fall of Warness Test Site, EMEC, Orkney - 00009505/00010451 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence - Tidal Energy Convertor - Fall of Warness, Orkney - 00009177/00009436/00009694/00010450 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence – Construction and operation of tidal energy convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 1 – 07264 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence – Decommissioning and removal of tidal energy convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 7 Licence Decommissioning of works
Marine Licence – Construction and operation of tidal energy convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 7- 06282 Licence Renewables - Wave
Marine Licence – Construction and operation of tidal energy convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 6- 06266 Licence Renewables - Wave
Marine Licence – Construction and operation of tidal energy convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 4- 06437 Application Renewables - Wave
Marine Licence – Construction and operation of tidal energy convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 3- 06269 Licence Renewables - Wave
Marine Licence – Decommissioning and removal of tidal energy convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 2 - 06785 Licence Renewables - Wave
Marine Licence – Construction and operation of tidal energy convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 1- 06718 Licence Renewables - Wave
Construction, Operation and Deposit of a Tidal Energy Device - Test Berth 5, Fall Of Warness - 06818 Application Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence - Removal of Sub-frame and Associated Ballast - Fall of Warness Test Site, The European Marine Energy Centre - 06724/00009630 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Application stage Application type
Marine Licence Variation – Construction, alteration and improvement (including decommissioning) of two Magallanes Tidal Platforms – Fall of Warness, EMEC - 00010880 Licence Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Marine Licence - Installation and Operation (including decommissioning) of two Magallanes Tidal Platforms - Fall of Warness, EMEC - 00010681 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence – Construction, Operation and Maintenance (including decommissioning) of two Orbital O2-X Floating Tidal Energy Generators – Orbital Eday 4, EMEC Fall of Warness – 00010628 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence – Construction, Operation and Maintenance (including decommissioning) of Orbital O2-X Floating Tidal Energy Generator – Orbital Eday 3, EMEC Fall of Warness – 00010626 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence – Construction, Operation and Maintenance of the SEASTAR Tidal Project – Fall of Warness, EMEC - 00010650 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence – Construction, Operation and Maintenance of the OCEANSTAR Tidal Project – Fall of Warness, EMEC - 00010649 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Appropriate Assessment - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Determination Renewables - Tidal
Construction, Operation, Deposit and Decommissioning of a Tidal Energy Device - 06818/19/2 - Marine Licence Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence - Construction alteration and improvement – Installation and operation (including decommissioning) of two Magallanes Tidal Platforms, Fall of Warness, EMEC Application Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence Application – Construction, operation and maintenance of the SEASTAR tidal project – Fall of Warness, EMEC - 00010650 Application Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence Application – Construction, operation and maintenance of the OCEANSTAR tidal project – Fall of Warness, EMEC - 00010649 Application Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence Application – Construction, operation and maintenance (including decommissioning) of two Orbital O2-X floating tidal energy generators – Orbital Eday 4, EMEC Fall of Warness – 00010628 Application Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence Application – Construction, operation and maintenance (including decommissioning) of Orbital O2-X floating tidal energy generator– Orbital Eday 3, EMEC Fall of Warness – 00010626 Application Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence - Removal and Decommissioning of Tidal Energy Convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 4 - 00010436 Licence Renewables - Wave
Marine Licence Variation – Tidal Energy Convertor – Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, Orkney - 00010451 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence Variation - Tidal Energy Convertor - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, Orkney - 00010450 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Habitats Regulations Appraisal Screening Report - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Pre-application Renewables - Tidal
Basking Shark Licence Vairiation – Construction and Operation of Tidal Energy Convertor - Berth 1, Fall of Warness – 00010497 Licence Renewables - Tidal
European Protected Species Licence Variation – Construction and Operation of Tidal Energy Convertor - Berth 1, Fall of Warness – 00010496 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence Variation – Tidal Energy Convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 1 – 00010495 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence Application - Removal and Decommissioning of Research Platform - EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 4 - 00010436 Application Renewables - Wave
Marine Licence – Tidal Energy Convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 1 – 00009541 Licence Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Marine Licence Variation Application – Tidal Energy Convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 1 – 00010495 Application Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Marine Licence Variation Application - Tidal Energy Convertor - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, Orkney - 00010451 Application Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence Variation Application - Tidal Energy Convertor - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, Orkney - 00010450 Application Renewables - Tidal
Decision Notice - Section 36 Consent Variation - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Licence Renewables - Tidal
Validation of Appropriate Assessment - Section 36 Consent Variation - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Determination Renewables - Tidal
Submission to Ministers - Section 36 Consent Variation - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Determination Renewables - Tidal
Basking Shark Licence – Construction and Operation of Tidal Energy Convertor - Berth 1, Fall of Warness – 00010186 Licence Renewables - Tidal
European Protected Species Licence – Construction and Operation of Tidal Energy Convertor - Berth 1, Fall of Warness – 00010185 Licence Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Pre-application Renewables - Tidal
Public Notice - Section 36 Consent Variation - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Application Renewables - Tidal
Application - Section 36 Consent Variation - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Application Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence Variation - Tidal Energy Convertor - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, Orkney - 00009694 Licence Renewables - Wave
Screening Opinion - Section 36 Consent Variation - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Pre-application Renewables - Tidal
Scoping Report - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Pre-application Renewables - Tidal
Screening Request - Section 36 Consent Variation - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Pre-application Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence – Tidal Energy Convertor – Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, Orkney - 00009505 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence Variation - Tidal Energy Convertor - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, Orkney - 00009436 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence - Tidal Energy Convertor - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, Orkney - 00009177 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence Application – Tidal Energy Convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 1 – 00009541 Application Renewables - Tidal
Navigational Risk Assessment - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Renewables - Wave
Environmental Statement - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Application Renewables - Wave
Decision Notice - Fall of Warness Tidal Site, EMEC Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence Application – Tidal Energy Convertor – Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, Orkney - 00009505 Application Renewables - Wave
Marine Licence Application - Tidal Energy Convertor - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, Orkney - 00009177 Application Renewables - Wave
Marine Licence – Construction and operation of tidal energy convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 1 – 07264 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence Application – Construction and operation of tidal energy convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 1 – 07264 Application Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence - Construction and operation of tidal energy convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 6 – 06266 Licence Renewables - Wave
Marine Licence Application – Construction and operation of tidal energy convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 6 – 06266 Renewables - Wave
Construction, Operation, Deposit and Decommissioning of a Tidal Energy Device - 06818/19/1 - Marine Licence Licence Renewables - Tidal
Construction, Operation, Deposit and Decommissioning of a Tidal Energy Device - 06818/19/0 - Marine Licence Licence Renewables - Tidal
Construction, Operation and Deposit of a Tidal Energy Device - 06818 - Consultation Responses Determination Renewables - Tidal
Construction, Operation and Deposit of a Tidal Energy Device - 06818 - Project Information Summary Application Renewables - Tidal
Construction, Operation and Deposit of a Tidal Energy Device - 06818 - Navigational Risk Assessment Application Renewables - Tidal
Construction, Operation and Deposit of a Tidal Energy Device - 06818 - Marine Licence Application Application Renewables - Tidal
Construction, Operation and Deposit of a Tidal Energy Device - 06818 - Environmental Monitoring Programme Application Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence - Removal of Sub-frame and Associated Ballast - Fall of Warness Test Site, The European Marine Energy Centre - 06724/00009630 Licence Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence Application - Removal of Sub-frame and Associated Ballast - Fall of Warness Test Site, The European Marine Energy Centre - 06724 Application Renewables - Tidal
Application stage Application type
Marine Licence Application – Tidal Energy Convertor – EMEC, Fall of Warness, Berth 1 – 00009541 Application Renewables - Tidal