Marine Licence- Existing Moorings- Seil Sound, Argyll- 07106

The Licensing Operations Team of Marine Scotland (MS-LOT) is the licensing authority, on behalf of Scottish Ministers, which determines applications for ‘marine licences’ under Part 4 of the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010. 

An applicant has approached MS-LOT to seek a marine licence, further details can be found in the documentation.

Should you have any comments on the safety of navigation/the application, we would be grateful if they could be sent to us in an electronic format at by 04 December 2019.

Application reference number: 
Application type: 
Application stage: 
Applicant name: 
R Wands and H Martin
Applicant address: 
The Old House
Clachan Seil
PA34 4TL
United Kingdom
Date of application: 

MS-LOT Associated application docs