Outer Firth of Forth and St Andrews Bay Complex - Velvet scoter - Maximum curvature and distribution (NatureScot WMS) |
Yes |
Crown |
Areas where fishing with DREDGES is restricted |
Yes |
Crown |
Flapper skate and Blue skate distribution in Scotland's seas |
Yes |
Crown |
Marine Recreation and Tourism Survey 2015 - SCUBA diving in the sea (restricted zoom) |
Yes |
Crown |
Serpulid aggregations |
Yes |
Crown |
PMF Consultation - Reviewed Priority Marine Features and management status |
Yes |
Crown |
Saithe - nursery grounds (Coull et al 1998) |
Yes |
Crown |
Basking shark incidental sightings and distribution in Scotland's seas |
Yes |
Crown |
Aquariums (aquaria) and marine wildlife centres |
No |
Crown |
Haddock - Modelled probability of year 0 group (restricted zoom) |
Yes |
Crown |
Observed adjusted densities of Risso's dolphin (all seasons 1994 - 2012) |
Yes |
Crown |
Ythan Estuary, Sands of Forvie and Meikle Loch (extension) - Little tern - Colony location, average passage and estimated foraging extent (NatureScot WMS) |
Yes |
Crown |
Normalised annual anomalies of sea surface temperature (°C) up to 2016 (relative to 2000–2010 base period), from selected sites in the SCObs dataset, by SMR |
Yes |
Crown |
UKCP09 projections - Extreme water level (cm) - 2095 projection - 50-year return extreme water level above the highest astronomical tide (due to storm surge + worst case relative sea level rise |
Yes |
Crown |
Bathing Waters (current) (SEPA WMS) |
Yes |
Crown |