NMPi Catalogue

Layer Title Data Owner Downloadsort descending copyright
Normalised annual anomalies of sea surface salinity up to 2016 (relative to 2000–2010 base period), from selected sites in the SCObs dataset, by SMR Yes
Wave Lease Sites - Crown Estate Scotland Yes
Offshore Wind Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) Applications - Crown Estate Scotland Yes
Areas where fishing of BLUE LING is restricted Yes
VMS - Average intensity (hours) - Dredges (DRB MOL) - 2010-2020 (ICES SR.2021.11) Yes
Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust harbour porpoise calf/ juvenile sightings Yes
Mackerel - nursery grounds (Coull et al 1998) Yes
August counts of grey seals between 2011 and 2015 at 10 km resolution Yes
Solway region (Mask) Yes
PMF Consultation - Areas for management consideration & knowledge gaps Yes
Dredge Spoil Deposit Sites - Open Yes
2004 annual effort related Basking shark sightings per kilometre (Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust Effort Related Sightings data 2003 to 2011) Yes
Lesser Sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) - Celtic Seas - Predicted density of buried sandeels (number per m^2) Yes
North Orkney - Slavonian grebe - Maximum curvature and distribution (NatureScot WMS) Yes
UKCP09 Projections - Increase in sea surface temperature (ºC) by 2085, compared to 1975, medium emissions scenario – winter Yes


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