NMPi Catalogue

Layer Title Data Owner Downloadsort descending copyright
Seaweed - Licence areas - Crown Estate Scotland Yes
SRTMN - Predictions of maximum daily river temperatures for the hottest year in the last 20 years (2003) (hidden when zoomed in past 1:5,000) Yes
Vessel Density Annual Averages - Passenger (EMODnet WMS) Yes
Moray Firth - Common eider - Maximum curvature and distribution (NatureScot WMS) Yes
Inshore Fishing - ScotMap (2013) - Relative Value (£) Yes
Ocean quahog Yes
Areas where fishing with CREELS is restricted Yes
Oil and Gas - Offshore Hydrocarbon Fields (NSTA WMS) Yes
Submerged or partially submerged sea caves Yes
Plaice - spawning grounds (Coull et al 1998) Yes
Sectoral Marine Plan (SMP) - Offshore Wind Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) - Areas of Search and exclusions Yes
Ordnance Survey Colour Premium (PSGA) Yes
Marine Recreation and Tourism Survey 2015 - Birds and wildlife watching (restricted zoom) Yes
Offshore Wind Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) Applications - Crown Estate Scotland Yes
Annual distribution and relative abundance of Killer whale (1979 - 1997) Yes


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