PFOW MSP Map 12 Integrating Coastal and Marine Development |
No |
Crown |
Cod - nursery grounds (Coull et al 1998) |
Yes |
Crown |
Intertidal mudflats |
Yes |
Crown |
Native oysters |
Yes |
Crown |
North East region (Mask) |
Yes |
Crown |
Areas of sand suitable for fill or land reclamation applications where mud content is greater than 10% (hidden below 1:500,000) |
No |
Crown |
Aquaculture - Active marine aquaculture sites (13.01.2025) |
Yes |
Crown |
Observed adjusted densities of Basking shark all seasons 2000 to 2012 mapped as graduated symbols |
Yes |
Crown |
UKCP09 Projections - Change in surface salinity (practical salinity units) by 2085, compared to 1975, medium emissions scenario – winter |
Yes |
Crown |
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) - Phenanthrene (PA) in Biota from 2013 (time-aware) |
No |
Crown |
Inshore Fishing - ScotMap (2013) - Nephrops Pots - Monetary Value (£) |
Yes |
Crown |
Normalised annual anomalies of sea bottom salinity up to 2016 (relative to 2000–2010 base period), from selected sites in the SCObs dataset, by SMR |
Yes |
Crown |
Outer Firth of Forth and St Andrews Bay Complex - Atlantic puffin - Breeding concentrations (NatureScot WMS) |
Yes |
Crown |
Inshore Fishing - ScotMap (2013) - Number of Vessels |
Yes |
Crown |
Voluntary Marine Reserves - Berwickshire VMR (St Abbs and Eyemouth) |
No |
Crown |