Flapper skate and Blue skate egg and egg case records |
Yes |
Crown |
Sectoral Marine Plan (SMP) - Tidal Draft Plan Options (2013) |
Yes |
Crown |
Coral gardens (VME) |
Yes |
Crown |
North East region (Mask) |
Yes |
Crown |
August counts of harbour seals between 2016 and 2019 at 10 km resolution |
Yes |
Crown |
Maerl beds |
Yes |
Crown |
Areas where fishing of HORSE MUSSELS is restricted |
Yes |
Crown |
UKCP09 Projections - Change in sea surface temperature (ºC) by 2085, compared to 1975, medium emissions scenario – spring |
Yes |
Crown |
SRTMN - Nationally scaled tree planting prioritisation score where trees are planted on only the most northerly bank |
Yes |
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) |
Whiting - spawning grounds (Coull et al 1998) |
Yes |
Crown |
2003 annual effort related Basking shark sightings per kilometre (Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust Effort Related Sightings data 2003 to 2011) |
Yes |
Crown |
Scapa Flow - Red-breasted merganser - Maximum curvature and distribution (NatureScot WMS) |
Yes |
Crown |
Areas where fishing with BOTTOM CONTACTING MOBILE GEAR is prohibited or not practical |
Yes |
Crown |
Annual Mean Surface Temperature (°C) - Climatology of the North-West European Continental Shelf for 1971–2000 |
Yes |
Crown |
Outer Firth of Forth and St Andrews Bay Complex - Little gull - Maximum curvature and distribution (NatureScot WMS) |
Yes |
Crown |