NMPi Catalogue

Layer Title Data Owner Download copyrightsort descending
Demersal fish - Landed weight (tonnes) by rectangle 2018-2022 Yes
Cultural Heritage - Museums with maritime exhibitions No
Carbon budget and blue carbon stores - Seagrass records - SNH Commissioned Report 761 - August 2014 No
Metals - Cadmium (Cd) in Biota from 2013 (time-aware) No
Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide Yes
Shetland Isles region (Mask) Yes
Outer Firth of Forth and St Andrews Bay Complex - Long-tailed duck - Maximum curvature and distribution (NatureScot WMS) Yes
Annual Mean Near-bed Salinity (‰) - Climatology of the North-West European Continental Shelf for 1971–2000 Yes
Rod and Lines - Scottish Under 12m vessels - Annual average value (2018-2022) (£) Yes
Areas where fishing of BASS is restricted Yes
Aggregated annual effort related Basking shark sightings per kilometre (Wave Action and The Wildlife Trusts Basking shark survey 2003 to 2006) Yes
Haddock - spawning grounds - West of Scotland (Gonzalez-Irusta and Wright 2016) Yes
Moray Firth - Common scoter - Maximum curvature and distribution (NatureScot WMS) Yes
Whale and Dolphin Conservation Effort related sightings data for Risso's dolphin (animals per kilometre) 2010 - 2017 Yes
Areas where ALL FISHING is restricted Yes


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