NMPi Catalogue

Layer Title Data Owner Downloadsort descending copyright
Herring distribution in Scotland's seas Yes
West Coast of the Outer Hebrides - Common eider - Maximum curvature and distribution (NatureScot WMS) Yes
Areas where fishing with GILLNETS is restricted Yes
Areas where fishing of RAZOR CLAMS (Ensis spp.) is authorised for scientific purposes Yes
Low or variable salinity habitats Yes
Dredge Spoil Deposit Sites - Closed and Disused Yes
(Dover) Sole - nursery grounds (Coull et al 1998) Yes
Annual distribution and relative abundance of Short-beaked common dolphin (1979 - 1997) Yes
Oil and Gas - Undeveloped Discoveries (NSTA WMS) Yes
Marine Recreation and Tourism Survey 2015 - Yacht racing at sea (restricted zoom) Yes
Vessel Density Annual Averages - High speed craft (EMODnet WMS) Yes
Anchor berths and anchorage areas Yes
Defence (Military) - Military exercise areas and danger areas (PEXAs) Yes
Onshore oil and gas - hydrocarbon fields Yes
Observed adjusted densities of Minke whale (all seasons 2000-2012) Yes


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