Blue Whiting - nursery grounds (Coull et al 1998) |
Yes |
Crown |
Carbon budget and blue carbon stores - Predicted kelp habitat (P>20% cover) - SNH Commissioned Report 761 - August 2014 |
No |
Crown |
Modelled persistence of above mean density of Basking shark summers 2001 to 2012 |
Yes |
Crown |
Kelp and seaweed communities on sublittoral sediment |
Yes |
Crown |
Horse mackerel distribution in Scotland's seas |
Yes |
Crown |
Annual distribution and relative abundance of Sperm whale (1979 - 1997) |
Yes |
Crown |
Standing approvals for use of chemical dispersants in response to oil spills |
Yes |
Crown |
Seaweed Consultation (2016) - Resource map |
No |
Crown |
Herring distribution in Scotland's seas |
Yes |
Crown |
Annual Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust Effort Related Sightings data for White-beaked dolphin (2003 - 2001) |
Yes |
Crown |
Annual Mean Near-bed Salinity (‰) - Climatology of the North-West European Continental Shelf for 1971–2000 |
Yes |
Crown |
Annual distribution and relative abundance of Beaked whales (1979 - 1997) (used as proxy for Sowerby's beaked whale) |
Yes |
Crown |
PFOW MSP Map 1 Plan Area |
No |
Crown |
Areas where ALL FISHING is restricted |
Yes |
Crown |
July - Monthly distribution and relative abundance of Risso's dolphin (1979 -1997) |
Yes |
Crown |