PFOW MSP Map 16 Oil and Gas- Licenced Blocks and Hydrocarbon Fields |
No |
Crown |
Nephrops - spawning grounds (Coull et al 1998) |
Yes |
Crown |
Seaweed Consultation (2016) - Current Kelp Harvesting Methods |
No |
Crown |
Flapper skate and Blue skate egg and egg case records |
Yes |
Crown |
Shelf deeps |
Yes |
Crown |
Clyde region (Mask) |
Yes |
Crown |
Historic Aggregate Areas (Forth and Tay) |
No |
Crown |
Dynamic Coast - Scotland MHWS Modern (SNH WMS) |
Yes |
Crown |
Marine Plan Areas for England (MMO) |
Yes |
Crown |
Aggregated annual effort related Basking shark sightings per kilometre (Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust Effort Related Sightings data 2003 to 2011) |
Yes |
Crown |
Inshore Fishing - ScotMap (2013) - Monetary Value (£) |
Yes |
Crown |
UKCP09 projections - Change (m) in significant wave height by 2085, compared to 1975, medium emissions scenario – autumn |
Yes |
Crown |
Scapa Flow - Black-throated diver - Distribution (NatureScot WMS) |
Yes |
Crown |
Normalised annual anomalies of sea bottom temperature (°C) up to 2016 (relative to 1981–2010 base period), from the ODaT dataset, by SMR |
Yes |
Crown |
Marine Recreation and Tourism Survey 2015 - Motor cruising at sea (restricted zoom) |
Yes |
Crown |