Tidal Lease Sites - Crown Estate Scotland |
Yes |
Crown |
August - Monthly distribution and relative abundance of White-beaked dolphin (1979 -1997) |
Yes |
Crown |
Vessel Density Annual Averages - All types (EMODnet WMS) |
Yes |
Coastal settlement typology - Scotland 2016 - Historic university |
Yes |
Crown |
Blue Whiting - nursery grounds (Coull et al 1998) |
Yes |
Crown |
2013 Basking shark surface positions from Satellite tagging data |
Yes |
Crown |
Leafscale gulper shark distribution in Scotland's seas |
Yes |
Crown |
Kelp and seaweed communities on sublittoral sediment |
Yes |
Crown |
Standing approvals for use of chemical dispersants in response to oil spills |
Yes |
Crown |
PMF Consultation - Illustrative management zones 2018 |
Yes |
Crown |
Ythan Estuary, Sands of Forvie and Meikle Loch (extension) - Sandwich tern - Maximum curvature and predicted foraging distribution (NatureScot WMS) |
Yes |
Crown |
Marine Recreation and Tourism Survey 2015 - Sea angling from a private or chartered boat (restricted zoom) |
Yes |
Crown |
SRTMN - Locally scaled tree planting prioritisation score where trees are planted on both banks |
Yes |
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) |
Outer Firth of Forth and St Andrews Bay Complex - Common goldeneye - Maximum curvature and distribution (NatureScot WMS) |
Yes |
Crown |
June - Monthly distribution and relative abundance of Minke whale (1979 -1997) |
Yes |
Crown |