NMPi Catalogue

Layer Title Data Owner Downloadsort descending copyright
SRTMN - Locally scaled tree planting prioritisation score where trees are planted on only the southerly bank Yes
Oil and Gas - Quadrants (NSTA WMS) Yes
Mean Spring Tidal Range (m) Yes
Human Population - Census 2011 - Density of Usual Residents by Datazone Yes
Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) - all sites including terrestrial (SNH WMS) (OSCP) Yes
Marine Recreation and Tourism Survey 2015 - Birds and wildlife watching (restricted zoom) Yes
Areas where fishing with BOTTOM CONTACTING MOBILE GEAR is prohibited or not practical Yes
Areas where fishing with CREELS is restricted Yes
Annual distribution and relative abundance of Killer whale (1979 - 1997) Yes
Creel Fishing Effort Study - Average number of nephrop hauls per day Yes
Plaice - spawning grounds (Coull et al 1998) Yes
Cod distribution in Scotland's seas Yes
West Coast of the Outer Hebrides - Black-throated diver - Distribution (NatureScot WMS) Yes
Demonstration and Research Marine Protected Areas (DR MPA) contributing to the MPA Network (OSCP) Yes
Diving and hand gathering (excluding razor clam trial) - Scottish Under 12m vessels - Annual average value (2018-2022) (£) Yes


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