NMPi Catalogue

Layer Title Data Owner Downloadsort ascending copyright
Scapa Flow - Great northern diver - Maximum curvature and distribution (NatureScot WMS) Yes
Annual Mean Surface Temperature (°C) - Climatology of the North-West European Continental Shelf for 1971–2000 Yes
UKCP09 projections - Extreme water level (cm) - 2095 projection - 50-year return extreme water level above the highest astronomical tide (due to storm surge + medium emissions relative sea level rise) Yes
Outer Firth of Forth and St Andrews Bay Complex - Northern gannet - Breeding concentrations (NatureScot WMS) Yes
European river lamprey distribution in Scotland's seas Yes
Sectoral Marine Plan (SMP) - Offshore Wind Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) - Areas of Search and exclusions Yes
Marine Consultation Areas (SNH WMS) Yes
Forth and Tay region (Mask) Yes
Inshore Fishing - ScotMap (2013) - Number of Vessels Yes
Widewall Bay Refuge Yes
Moray Firth - Common goldeneye - Maximum curvature and distribution (NatureScot WMS) Yes
2005 annual effort related Basking shark sightings per kilometre (Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust Effort Related Sightings data 2003 to 2011) Yes
Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT) Reserves Yes
Oil and Gas - Infrastructure - Wells (NSTA WMS) Yes
Annual distribution and relative abundance of Harbour porpoise (1979 - 1997) Yes


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