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Wood, S.N., Bravington, M.V. & Hedley, S.L., 2008. Soap Film Smoothing. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Statistical Methodology), 70(5), pp.931-955. Available at:
Vaquer-Sunyer, R. & Duarte, C.M., 2008. Thresholds of hypoxia for marine biodiversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105, pp.15452–15457. Available at:
Marvanová, S. et al., 2008. Toxic Effects of Methylated Benz[a]anthracenes in Liver Cells. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 21(2), pp.503 - 512. Available at:
Barnes, D.K.A. et al., 2009. Accumulation and fragmentation of plastic debris in global environments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 364(1526), pp.1985 - 1998. Available at:
Moore, K.A., Orth, R.J. & Wilcox, D.J., 2009. Assessment of the Abundance of Submersed AquaticVegetation (SAV) Communities in the Chesapeake Bay and its Use inSAV Management. In X. Yang, ed. Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies for Coastal Ecosystem Assessment and Management. Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies for Coastal Ecosystem Assessment and Management. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 233 - 257. Available at:
Žydelis, R. et al., 2009. Effects of off-bottom shellfish aquaculture on winter habitat use by molluscivorous sea ducks. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 19(1), pp.34 - 42. Available at:
Grün, F. & Blumberg, B., 2009. Endocrine disrupters as obesogens. Special Issue: Endocrine Disruptors from the Environment in the Aetiology of Obesity and Diabetes, 304(1), pp.19 - 29. Available at:
Moffat, C.F., 2009. Fish Oils - The Chemical Building Blocks. In B. Rossel, ed. Oils and Fats Handbook Volume 4 – Fish Oils. Oils and Fats Handbook Volume 4 – Fish Oils. Leatherhead, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 51-79. Available at:
Ryan, P.G. et al., 2009. Monitoring the abundance of plastic debris in the marine environment. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 364(1526), pp.1999 - 2012. Available at:
Neat, F. et al., 2010. Deepwater Trawl Survey Manual. , Marine Scotland Science Report 03/10. Available at: