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Book Chapter
Galgani, F., Hanke, G. & Maes, T., 2015. Global Distribution, Composition and Abundance of Marine Litter. In M. Bergmann, Gutow, L., & Klages, M., eds. Marine Anthropogenic Litter. Marine Anthropogenic Litter. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 29 - 56. Available at:
Hoegh-Guldberg, O. et al., 2018. Impacts of 1.5ºC Global Warming on Natural and Human Systems. In V. Masson-Delmotte et al., eds. Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change,. Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change,. IPCC. Available at:
Hoegh-Guldberg, O. et al., 2018. Impacts of 1.5ºC Global Warming on Natural and Human Systems. In V. Masson-Delmotte et al., eds. Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change,. Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change,. IPCC. Available at:
Hawkins, S.J. et al., 2002. Marine and coastal ecosystems. In Handbook of Ecological Restoration. Handbook of Ecological Restoration. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, pp. 121-148. Available at:
Hilby, L. et al., 1999. The objective identification of duplicate sightings in aerial survey for porpoise. In Marine Mammal Survey and Assessment Methods. Marine Mammal Survey and Assessment Methods. Rotterdam: Balkema, pp. 179-189. Available at:
Schrum, C. et al., 2016. Projected Change—North Sea. In M. Quante & Colijn, F., eds. North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment. North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 175 - 217. Available at:
Hily, C., van Katwijk, M. & den Hartog, C., 2003. The seagrass of Western Europe. In World Atlas of Seagrasses. World Atlas of Seagrasses. Berkeley, USA: UNEP world Conservation Monitoring Centre. University of California Press , pp. 38-47. Available at:
Rasmussen, E., 1977. The wasting disease of eelgrass (Zostera marina) and its effects on environmental factors and fauna. In C. P. McRoy & Helfferich, C., eds. Seagrass ecosystems: a scientific perspective. Seagrass ecosystems: a scientific perspective. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., p. 314 pp.
Conference Paper
Galgani, F., 2015. Marine Litter Within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. In H. - J. Ceccaldi et al., eds. Marine Productivity: Perturbations and Resilience of Socio-ecosystems. Marine Productivity: Perturbations and Resilience of Socio-ecosystems. 02/2015. Springer International Publishing. Available at:
Government Report
Journal Article