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Journal Article
Weijer, W. et al., 2020. CMIP6 models predict significant 21st century decline of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Geophysical Research LettersGeophysical Research LettersGeophys. Res. Lett., 47(12), p.e2019GL086075. Available at:
Perry, A. et al., 2005. Climate Change and Distribution Shifts in Marine Fishes. Science, 308, pp.1912-1915.
Weir, C.R. et al., 2001. Cetaceans of the Atlantic Frontier, north and west of Scotland. The Marine Environment of the North East Atlantic Margin, 21(8), pp.1047 - 1071. Available at:
Book Chapter
Rochman, C.M., 2015. The Complex Mixture, Fate and Toxicity of Chemicals Associated with Plastic Debris in the Marine Environment. In M. Bergmann, Gutow, L., & Klages, M., eds. Marine Anthropogenic Litter. Marine Anthropogenic Litter. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 117 - 140. Available at:
Moore, S.E. et al., 2018. Climate Change. In Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. San Diego, USA: Academic Press, pp. 194 - 197.
Maldonado, M., Ribes, M. & van Duyl, F.C., 2012. Chapter three - Nutrient Fluxes Through Sponges: Biology, Budgets, and Ecological Implications. In M. A. Becerro et al., eds. Advances in Marine Biology. Advances in Sponge Science: Physiology, Chemical and Microbial Diversity, Biotechnology. Advances in Marine Biology. Advances in Sponge Science: Physiology, Chemical and Microbial Diversity, Biotechnology. Academic Press, pp. 113 - 182. Available at:
Duarte, C.M. & Kirkman, H., 2001. Chapter 7 - Methods for the measurement of seagrass abundance and depth distribution. In F. T. Short & Coles, R. G., eds. Global Seagrass Research Methods. Global Seagrass Research Methods. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, pp. 141-153. Available at: