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Environmental control of harmful dinoflagellates and diatoms in a fjordic system. Harmful Algae, 69, pp.1 - 17. Available at:
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An estimate of the total biomass of fish in the North Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 46(2), pp.200 - 210. Available at:
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The filtration activity of a serpulid polychaete population (Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Fauvel) and its effects on water quality in a coastal marina. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , 29(6), pp.613-620. Available at:
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A fish-based assessment tool for the ecological quality of the brackish Schelde estuary in Flanders (Belgium). Hydrobiologia, 575(1), pp.141 - 159.
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, 2008. A global map of human impact on marine ecosystems. Science, 319(5865), pp.948-952. Available at:
, 2008. Global methylmercury exposure from seafood consumption and risk of developmental neurotoxicity: a systematic review. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 92(4), pp.254 - 269F. Available at:
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