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Journal Article
Merchant, N.D. et al., 2013. Spectral probability density as a tool for ambient noise analysis. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133(4), pp.EL262 - EL267. Available at:
Thompson, D. et al., 2019. The status of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in the UK. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 29(S1), pp.40 - 60. Available at:
Marvanová, S. et al., 2008. Toxic Effects of Methylated Benz[a]anthracenes in Liver Cells. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 21(2), pp.503 - 512. Available at:
Marvanová, S. et al., 2008. Toxic Effects of Methylated Benz[a]anthracenes in Liver Cells. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 21(2), pp.503 - 512. Available at:
Omar, A.M. et al., 2019. Trends of Ocean Acidification and pCO2 in the Northern North Sea, 2003–2015. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124(10), pp.3088 - 3103. Available at:
Kershaw, P.J., Turra, A. & Galgani, F. eds., 2019. Guidelines for the monitoring and assessment of plastic litter and microplastics in the ocean, Nairobi: IMO/FAO/UNESCO-IOC/UNIDO/WMO/IAEA/UN/UNEP/UNDP/ISA Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection. Available at: