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The objective identification of duplicate sightings in aerial survey for porpoise. In Marine Mammal Survey and Assessment Methods. Marine Mammal Survey and Assessment Methods. Rotterdam: Balkema, pp. 179-189. Available at:
, 1999. Observed and predicted effects of climate change on species abundance in protected areas. Nature Climate Change, 3, pp.1055–1061. Available at:
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Ocean circulation causes the largest freshening event for 120 years in eastern subpolar North Atlantic. Nature Communications , 11. Available at:
, 2020. Ocean circulation causes the largest freshening event for 120 years in eastern subpolar North Atlantic. Nature Communications , 11. Available at:
, 2020. Ocean community warming responses explained by thermal affinities and temperature gradients. , 9(12), pp.959 - 963. Available at:
, 2019. Ocean community warming responses explained by thermal affinities and temperature gradients. , 9(12), pp.959 - 963. Available at:
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Offshore Floating Asset Decommissioning Market Study, Highlands and Islands Enterprise. Available at:
2018. Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program: A New International Ocean Observing System. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98, pp.737-752. Available at:
, 2017. Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program: A New International Ocean Observing System. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98, pp.737-752. Available at:
, 2017. Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program: A New International Ocean Observing System. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98, pp.737-752. Available at:
, 2017. Oyster reefs at risk and recommendations for conservation, restoration and management. BioScience, 61(2), pp.107–116. Available at:
, 2011. Oyster Reefs at Risk and Recommendations for Conservation, Restoration, and Management. BioScience, 61(2), pp.107 - 116. Available at:
, 2011. The Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, shows negative correlation to naturally elevated carbon dioxide levels: Implications for near-term ocean acidification effects. Limnology and Oceanography, 57(3), pp.698 - 710. Available at:
, 2012. Persistent Organic Pollutant Burden, Experimental POP Exposure, and Tissue Properties Affect Metabolic Profiles of Blubber from Gray Seal Pups. Environmental Science & TechnologyEnvironmental Science & Technology, 52(22), pp.13523 - 13534. Available at:
, 2018. Phenological shuffling of major marine phytoplankton groups over the last six decades. Diversity and Distributions, 26, pp.536-548. Available at:
, 2020. Phocine distemper virus in the North and European Seas – Data and models, nature and nurture. Infectious Disease and Mammalian Conservation, 131(2), pp.221 - 229. Available at:
, 2006. Phocine distemper virus in the North and European Seas – Data and models, nature and nurture. Infectious Disease and Mammalian Conservation, 131(2), pp.221 - 229. Available at:
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, 2006. Phocine distemper virus in the North and European seas - data and models, nature and nurture. Biological Conservation, 131, pp.221-229. Available at:
, 2006. Plankton, jellyfish and climate in the North-East Atlantic. Plankton, jellyfish and climate in the North-East Atlantic. MCCIP Science Review 2020, pp.322-353. Available at:
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, 2010. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and selected organochlorine chemicals in grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in the North Sea. Chemosphere, 58, pp.345 - 354. Available at:
, 2005. Polystyrene Spherules in Coastal Waters. Science, 178(4062), p.749. Available at:
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Predictive Habitat Modelling as a Tool to Assess the Change in Distribution and Extent of an OSPAR Priority Habitat under an Increased Ocean Temperature Scenario: Consequences for Marine Protected Area Networks and Management. PloS ONE, 8, pp.1–16. Available at:
, 2013. Problems facing maerl conservation in Brittany. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 13(51), pp.S55 - S64. Available at:
, 2003. Progress in estimating the absolute abundance of anglerfish on the European northern shelf from a trawl survey. In ICES ASC 2004. ICES ASC 2004. Vigo, Spain. Available at:
, 2004. Projected Change—North Sea. In North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment. North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 175 - 217. Available at:
, 2016. Projecting changes in the distribution and productivity of living marine resources: A critical review of the suite of modelling approaches used in the large European project VECTORS. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 201, pp.40–55. Available at:
, 2018. Projecting changes in the distribution and productivity of living marine resources: A critical review of the suite of modelling approaches used in the large European project VECTORS. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 201, pp.40–55. Available at:
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Pteropods counter mechanical damage and dissolution through extensive shell repair. Nature Communications, 9(1), p.264. Available at:
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Quantifying the Effect of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Calcifying Plankton. Scientific Reports, 10(1), p.1620. Available at:
, 2020. Quantifying the sensitivity of Arctic marine mammals to climate-induced habitat change. Ecological Applications, 18(sp2), pp.S97 - S125. Available at:
, 2008. A quantitative analysis linking seabird mortality and marine debris ingestion. Scientific Reports, 9(1), p.3202. Available at:
, 2019. A quantitative analysis linking seabird mortality and marine debris ingestion. Scientific Reports, 9(1), p.3202. Available at:
, 2019. The recent Atlantic cold anomaly: causes, consequences, and related phenomena. Annual Review of Marine Science, 10(1), pp.475-501. Available at:
, 2018. Reconstruction of the formation history of the Darwin Mounds, N Rockall Trough: How the dynamics of a sandy contourite affected cold-water coral growth. The contourite log-book: significance for palaeoceanography, ecosystems and slope instability, 378, pp.186 - 195. Available at:
, 2016. Recruitment patterns of Serpula vermicularis L. (Polychaeta, Serpulidae) in Loch Creran, Scotland. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 73(3), pp.598-606. Available at:
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Regional application of an index of estuarine biotic integrity based on fish communities. Estuaries, 25(2), pp.250 - 263. Available at:
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