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Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is D and Author is Davidson, Keith [Clear All Filters]
Changing wind patterns linked to unusually high Dinophysis blooms around the Shetland Islands, Scotland. Harmful Algae, 39, pp.365 - 373. Available at:
, 2014. , 2010.
Domoic acid production by Pseudo-nitzschia seriata (bacillariophyceae) in Scottish waters. Journal of Phycology, 40(4), pp.622 - 630. Available at:
, 2004. Environmental control of harmful dinoflagellates and diatoms in a fjordic system. Harmful Algae, 69, pp.1 - 17. Available at:
, 2017. Dinophysis acuta in Scottish Coastal Waters and Its Influence on Diarrhetic Shellfish Toxin Profiles. Toxins, 10, p.399. Available at:
, 2018. Impacts of climate change on human health, HABs and bathing waters, relevant to the coastal and marine environment around the UK. , pp.521 - 545. Available at:
, 2020. A large and prolonged bloom of Karenia mikimotoi in Scottish waters in 2006. Harmful Algae, 8(2), pp.349 - 361. Available at:
, 2009. Risk assessment of the Scottish monitoring programme for the marine biotoxins in shellfish harvested from classified production areas, Food Standards Scotland. Available at:
, 2016.