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Vulnerability and adaptation of US shellfisheries to ocean acidification. Nature Climate Change, 5(3), pp.207 - 214. Available at:
, 2015. Vulnerability and adaptation of US shellfisheries to ocean acidification. Nature Climate Change, 5(3), pp.207 - 214. Available at:
, 2015. An unprecedented wreck of puffins in eastern Scotland in March and April 2013. Scottish Birds, 33, pp.157–159. Available at:
, 2013. UKCP18 Marine Report. Available at:
, 2018. UK Ocean Acidification Coastal Monitoring Network - Expanding the UK Network. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science, 5(1). Available at:
, 2014. Spatial scale and environmental determinants in minke whale habitat use and foraging. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 450, pp.259 - 274. Available at:
, 2012. Spatial patterns and trends in abundance of larval sandeels in the North Sea: 1950–2005. ICES J Mar Sci, 70(3), pp.540 - 553. Available at:
, 2013. Sowing the seeds of seagrass recovery using hessian bags. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7(311), pp.1-7. Available at:
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Skin and liver diseases induced in flounder (Platichthys flesus) after long-term exposure to contaminated sediments in large-scale mesocosms. Environmental Health Perspectives, 104(11), pp.1218 - 1229. Available at:
, 1996. Skin and liver diseases induced in flounder (Platichthys flesus) after long-term exposure to contaminated sediments in large-scale mesocosms. Environmental Health Perspectives, 104(11), pp.1218 - 1229. Available at:
, 1996. Shifts in the timing of spawning in sole linked to warming sea temperatures. Journal of Sea Research, 75, pp.69–76. Available at:
, 2013. Risk Assessment of Seabird Bycatch in UK Waters, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust. Available at:
, 2017. Regulation (EU) 2016/2336 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing specific conditions for fishing for deep-sea stocks in the north-east Atlantic and provisions for fishing in international waters of the north-east Atlantic Repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 2347 2002th ed., Official Journal of the European Union. Available at:
2016. Regional climate change and harmful algal blooms in the northeast Atlantic. Limnology and Oceanography, 51(2), pp.820-829. Available at:
, 2006. Prioritising islands in the United Kingdom and crown dependencies for the eradication of invasive alien vertebrates and rodent biosecurity. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 63(1), p.31. Available at:
, 2017. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers: occurrence, dietary exposure, and toxicology. Environmental Health Perspectives, 109(suppl 1), pp.49 - 68. Available at:
, 2001. Plankton, jellyfish and climate in the North-East Atlantic. Plankton, jellyfish and climate in the North-East Atlantic. MCCIP Science Review 2020, pp.322-353. Available at:
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Phenological shuffling of major marine phytoplankton groups over the last six decades. Diversity and Distributions, 26, pp.536-548. Available at:
, 2020. Persistent Organic Pollutant Burden, Experimental POP Exposure, and Tissue Properties Affect Metabolic Profiles of Blubber from Gray Seal Pups. Environmental Science & TechnologyEnvironmental Science & Technology, 52(22), pp.13523 - 13534. Available at:
, 2018. PCB pollution continues to impact populations of orcas and other dolphins in European waters. Scientific Reports, 6(1), p.18573. Available at:
, 2016. Oyster reefs at risk and recommendations for conservation, restoration and management. BioScience, 61(2), pp.107–116. Available at:
, 2011. Oyster Reefs at Risk and Recommendations for Conservation, Restoration, and Management. BioScience, 61(2), pp.107 - 116. Available at:
, 2011. Ocean community warming responses explained by thermal affinities and temperature gradients. , 9(12), pp.959 - 963. Available at:
, 2019. Ocean community warming responses explained by thermal affinities and temperature gradients. , 9(12), pp.959 - 963. Available at:
, 2019. Ocean climate anomalies and the ecology of the North Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series , 239, pp.1-10. Available at:
, 2002. North Atlantic ecosystem sensitivity to Holocene shifts in Meridional Overturning Circulation. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(1), pp.291 - 298. Available at:
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Multidecadal accumulation of anthropogenic and remineralized dissolved inorganic carbon along the Extended Ellett Line in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30(2), pp.293 - 310. Available at:
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Modelling the transport of larval sandeels on the north-west European shelf. Fisheries Oceanography, 7(3‐4), pp.347 - 354. Available at:
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Marine Plankton: A Practical Guide to Ecology, Methodology, and Taxonomy. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin, 26(4), pp.120 - 121. Available at:
, 2017. Marine plankton: a practical guide to ecology, methodology, and taxonomy., Oxford: Oxford University Press . Available at:
, 2017. Local regime shifts prevent natural recovery and restoration of lost eelgrass beds along the Swedish West coast. Estuaries and Coasts , 41(6), pp.1712-1731. Available at:
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The Large Fish Indicator is responsive to trawling pressure, and to reductions thereof, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Available at:,%20moving%20target.%20Achieving%20Good%20Environmental%20Status%20under%20the%20Marine%20Strategy%20Framework/P1415.pdf.
, 2015. Laboratory-made artificial marine snow: a biological model of the real thing. Marine Biology, 101(4), pp.463 - 470. Available at:
, 1989. JNCC Pressure Mapping Methodology. Physical Damage (Reversible Change) – Penetration and/or disturbance of the substrate below the surface of the seabed, including abrasion, Peterborough: Joint Nature Conservation Committee. Available at:
, 2016. JNCC Pressure Mapping Methodology. Physical Damage (Reversible Change) – Penetration and/or disturbance of the substrate below the surface of the seabed, including abrasion, Peterborough: Joint Nature Conservation Committee. Available at:
, 2016. Investigating decadal changes in persistent organic pollutants in Scottish grey seal pups. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 29(S1), pp.86 - 100. Available at:
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