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Anthropogenic ocean acidification over the twenty-first century and its impact on calcifying organisms. Nature, 437(7059), pp.681 - 686. Available at:
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2018. Climate-induced changes in the suitable habitat of cold-water corals and commercially important deep-sea fishes in the North Atlantic. Global Change Biology, 26(4), pp.2181 - 2202. Available at:
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Declining concentrations of persistent PCBs, PBDEs, PCDEs, and PCNs in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from the Salish Sea. Strait of Georgia Ecosystem Research Initiative (ERI), 115, pp.160 - 170. Available at:
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, 2020. Environmental controls and anthropogenic impacts on deep-sea sponge grounds in the Faroe-Shetland Channel, NE Atlantic: the importance of considering spatial scale to distinguish drivers of change. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 77(1), pp.451 - 461. Available at:
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, 2014. Fish disease monitoring along a pollution transect: a case study using dab Limanda limanda in the German Bight. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 91, pp.173 - 192. Available at:
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