Moray East Offshore Windfarm

Please note we are in the process of migrating content from the old website, information relating to this project can be accessed from the following link: 


Decision Notices

All Decision Notices are available for inspection here and describe the works and terms of the decision. Copies of associated plans, programmes and other documentation are also available here.



Project stage: 
Project type: 
Renewables - Wind

Project Applications and supporting documentation

Application stage Application type
Marine Licence - Offshore Substation Platform - Cable Protection Repair - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 00010009/00010188/00010285 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Met Mast Decommissioning - Moray Firth - 07363/00008841 Licence Renewables - Wind
Safety Zones - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - New Pontoon - Fraserburgh Harbour - 07231 Licence Pontoon
Marine Licence - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth - 05340/08919/09423/00010268 Licence Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent (Variation) - MacColl, Stevenson and Telford Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of the Telford Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth - 04629/09051/09426 Licence Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent - Construction and Operation of MacColl, Stevenson and Telford Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Repair of Meteorological Mast - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Moray Firth - 05957 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Meteorological Mast - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04061 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Backfill of Seabed Depressions - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 07086/00009022 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Offshore Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm – 06347/00010269 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth - 05340/00008919 Licence Renewables - Wind
Safety Zone - Construction and Major Maintenance - Moray East Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04627/08985/09425 Licence Renewables - Wind
04629 - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Telford Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04628/00008972/00009424 Licence Renewables - Wind
00009408/MS EPS 31/2018/0 - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Construction - European Protected Species Licence Variation Licence Renewables - Wind
06857 - Marine Licence - Unexploded Ordnance Clearance - Moray East Offshore Windfarm Licence Renewables - Wind
MS EPS 02/2019/0 - European Protected Species Licence - Unexploded Ordnance Clearance - Moray East Offshore Windfarm Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Alternative Design - Moray Firth Pre-application Renewables - Wind
Application stage Application type
Environmental Monitoring Survey Reports 2024 - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Outer Moray Firth Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Operation and Maintenance Survey Summary Report 2024 - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Outer Moray Firth Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Offshore Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 00010269 Post-consent Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East – 00010268 Post-consent Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Marine Licence Variation - Offshore Substation Platform - Cable Protection Repair - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm – 00010285 Post-consent Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Decision notice - Section 36 variation - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - March 2018 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East - 09423 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Offshore Substation Platform - Cable Protection Repair - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 00010188 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation Application - Offshore Substation Platform - Cable Protection Repair - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 00010188 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Offshore Substation Platform – Cable Protection Repair – Moray East Offshore Wind Farm – 00010009 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Offshore Substation Cable Protection Repair - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 00010009 Application Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Commercial Fisheries Mitigation Strategy Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - MaCColl Offshore Wind Farm - 09424 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence (Variation) Telford Offshore Wind Farm - 09426 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence (Variation) - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm - 09425 Licence Renewables - Wind
00009408 - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Construction - European Protected Species Licence Variation Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Piling Strategy Implementation Report Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Backfill of Seabed Depressions - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 07086/00009022 Licence Renewables - Wind
Safety Zone - Ministerial Submission - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Determination Renewables - Wind
Safety Zone Notice - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 08919 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation Application - Backfill of Seabed Depressions - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 00009022 Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence -Telford Offshore Wind Farm (Variation) - 09051 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 00008972 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04627/00008985 Licence Renewables - Wind
Notice Served of a Proposal for a Safety Zone - Moray East Offshore Windfarm, Outer Moray Firth Determination Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Met Mast Decommissioning - Moray Firth - 07363/00008841 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation Application - Rock Grading and Volume Change - Moray East Wind Farm - 00008919 Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Backfill of Seabed Depressions - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 07086 Licence Renewables - Wind
Variation Consultation Responses - Backfill of Seabed Depressions - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 07086 Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Met Mast Decommissioning - Moray Firth - 07363 Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - New Pontoon - Fraserburgh Harbour - 07231 Licence Pontoon
Consultation Responses - New Pontoon - Fraserburgh Harbour - 07231 Application Pontoon
Marine Licence - Telford Offshore Wind Farm (Varied) 2020 - 04629 Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm (Varied) 2020 - 04628 Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm (Varied) 2020 - 04627 Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Safety Zone Application (2020) - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Backfill of Seabed Depressions (Variation) - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 07086 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation Consultation Responses - Moray East Offshore Windfarm Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - New Pontoon - Fraserburgh Harbour - 07231 Application Pontoon
Marine Licence Variation Application - Construction and Operation of the Telford Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth - 04629 Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation Application - Construction and Operation of the MacColl Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth - 04628 Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation Application - Construction and Operation of the Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth - 04627 Application Renewables - Wind
Consultation Responses (2012) - MacColl, Telford and Stevenson Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Determination Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 04630 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Construction and Operation of offshore generating station, Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 04627 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 05340 Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application Form - Construction and operation of generating station - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 04628 Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Deposit, Backfill of Seabed Depressions - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 07086 Application Renewables - Wind
Submission to Ministers - Section 36 (Variation) Application - MacColl, Stevenson and Telford Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Determination Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent (Variation) Application, Maccoll, Stevenson and Telford Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 05340 Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 05340 Licence Renewables - Wind
Consent Decision - Environmental Impact Assessment - Modified Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 05340 Determination Renewables - Wind
Appropriate Assessment - Modified Offshore Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 05340 Determination Renewables - Wind
Consultation responses - Construction and Operation of Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 06347 Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Offshore Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 06347 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Offshore Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 06347 Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion - Modified Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Pre-application Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Construction and Operation of Telford Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of the Telford Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth - 04629 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04627 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04627 Licence Renewables - Wind
Submission to Ministers- Construction and Operation of Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Determination Renewables - Wind
Project Map - Construction and Operation of Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Application Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Construction and Operation of Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Licence Renewables - Wind
Submission to Ministers - Construction and Operation of MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm,Outer Moray Firth Determination Renewables - Wind
Project Map - Construction and Operation of MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Application Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Construction and Operation of MacColl Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Licence Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Consent Decision- Construction and Operation of Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Determination Renewables - Wind
Appropriate Assessment - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Determination Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence- Construction and Operation of Generating Station - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04628 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Repair of Meteorological Mast - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Moray Firth - 05957 Licence Renewables - Wind
Primary Radar Mitigation Scheme - Moray East Offshore Windfarm Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Herring Larvae Survey Reports - Moray East Offshore Windfarm Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Repair of Meteorological Mast - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 05957 Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Meteorological Mast - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth, 04061 Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – 05340 – Marine Licence Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 07086 - Deposit, Backfill of Seabed Depression - Environmental Information Application Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 07086 - Deposit, Backfill of Seabed Depressions - Marine Licence Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 06347/19/0 - Offshore Substation Platforms Marine Licence (varied) Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Modified Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East - 05340/19/0 Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Piling Strategy (OfTI PS) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Vessel Management Plan and Navigation Safety Plan (VMP & NSP) - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – Piling Strategy (PS) - 2019 Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Safety Zone – Decision Letter - May 2019 Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Safety Zone - Ministerial Submission Determination Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Cable Plan (OfTI CaP) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Cable Plan Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Cable Plan Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - UXO Clearance - Appropriate Assessment Determination Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - MS EPS 02/2019/0 - EPS Licence Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 06857 - Marine Licence Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Unexploded Ordinance EPS Licence Application Application Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Unexploded Ordnance Marine Licence Application Application Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Telford Intimation of Assignation Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Stevenson Intimation of Assignation Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - MacColl Intimation of Assignation Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Telford Offshore Wind Farm (Variation) - 04629/18/1 & 04629/19/0 Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 04627/19/0 - Stevenson Marine Licence (varied) Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 04628/19/0 - MacColl Marine Licence (varied) Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - MacColl Assignation Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Stevenson Assignation Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Telford Assignation Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Telford Assignor Letter Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Telford Assignee Letter Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Stevenson Assignee Letter Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Stevenson Assignor Letter Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - MacColl Assignor Letter Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - MacColl Assignee Letter Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Design Statement Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - MS EPS 31 2018 Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Project Environmental Monitoring Programme (PEMP) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Marine Pollution Contingency Plan (MPCP) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Construction Programme and Construction Method Statement (CoP & CMS) - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Lighting and Marking Plan (LMP) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Safety Zone Application Application Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Development Specification and Layout Plan (DSLP) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Scoping Report Pre-application Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Scoping Opinion Request Pre-application Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Scoping Opinion Pre-application Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Scoping Opinion Addendum - Ornithology Pre-application Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Windfarm - Pre-application consultation report Pre-application Renewables - Wind
Application stage Application type
Operation and Maintenance Survey Summary Report 2024 - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Outer Moray Firth Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East - Project Environmental Monitoring Programme (WF PEMP and OFTI PEMP) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Wind Farm Operation and Maintenance Programme - June 2022 Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Commercial Fisheries Mitigation Strategy Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - MaCColl Offshore Wind Farm - 09424 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence (Variation) Telford Offshore Wind Farm - 09426 Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East - Operation & Maintenance Programmes (OMP) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence -Telford Offshore Wind Farm (Variation) - 09051 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 00008972 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04627/00008985 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Met Mast Decommissioning - Moray Firth - 07363 Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Telford Offshore Wind Farm (Varied) 2020 - 04629 Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm (Varied) 2020 - 04628 Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm (Varied) 2020 - 04627 Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - New Pontoon - Fraserburgh Harbour - 07231 Application Pontoon
Scoping Report - (Offshore Transmission Infrastructure, cables and substations) -Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Pre-application Renewables - Wind
Public Notice - Application to Construct and Operate an Offshore Generating Station - MacColl, Telford and Stevenson Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Application
Public Notice - Application to Construct and Operate an Offshore Generating Station - MacColl, Telford and Stevenson Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Application
Additional Information (Ornithology), MacColl, Telford and Stevenson Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore WInd Farm, Outer Moray Firth Application Renewables - Wind
Consultation Responses (2012) - MacColl, Telford and Stevenson Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Determination Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 04630 Licence Renewables - Wind
Environmental Statement - MacColl, Telford and Stevenson Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farms, Outer Moray Firth Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Construction and Operation of Offshore Generating Station - Telford Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Construction and Operation of offshore generating station, Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 04627 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 05340 Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application Form - Construction and operation of generating station - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 04628 Application Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Application Letter - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Television and Radio Reception Mitigation Plan - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Deposit, Backfill of Seabed Depressions - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 07086 Application Renewables - Wind
Submission to Ministers - Section 36 (Variation) Application - MacColl, Stevenson and Telford Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Determination Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent (Variation) Application, Maccoll, Stevenson and Telford Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Application Renewables - Wind
Piling Strategy 2016 - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 05340 Application Renewables - Wind
Pre Application Consultation Report - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East, Outer Moray Firth Pre-application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 05340 Licence Renewables - Wind
Consent Decision - Environmental Impact Assessment - Modified Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 05340 Determination Renewables - Wind
Appropriate Assessment - Modified Offshore Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 05340 Determination Renewables - Wind
Consultation responses - Construction and Operation of Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 06347 Application Renewables - Wind
Consultation responses - Construction and Operation of Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 06347 Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Offshore Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 06347 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Offshore Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 06347 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Offshore Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 06347 Renewables - Wind
Scoping Report - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Pre-application Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion - Modified Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Pre-application Renewables - Wind
Scoping Report - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Moray East Offshore WInd Farm Pre-application Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion- Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Pre-application Renewables - Wind
Submission to Ministers - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind Farm - Telford Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Application Renewables - Wind
Project Map - Construction and Operation of Telford Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Application Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Construction and Operation of Telford Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of the Telford Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth - 04629 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04627 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04627 Licence Renewables - Wind
Submission to Ministers- Construction and Operation of Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Determination Renewables - Wind
Project Map - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Application Renewables - Wind
Project Map - Construction and Operation of Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Application Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Construction and Operation of Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Licence Renewables - Wind
Submission to Ministers - Construction and Operation of MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm,Outer Moray Firth Determination Renewables - Wind
Project Map - Construction and Operation of MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Application Renewables - Wind
Project Map - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Application Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Construction and Operation of MacColl Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Licence Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Consent Decision- Construction and Operation of Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Determination Renewables - Wind
Appropriate Assessment - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Determination Renewables - Wind
Appropriate Assessment - Construction and Operation of Offshore Generating Station - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Determination Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence- Construction and Operation of Generating Station - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04628 Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Repair of Meteorological Mast - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Moray Firth - 05957 Licence Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Marine Mammals - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Addendum to the Construction Marine Mammals Monitoring Programme
Ecological Clerk of Works - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Primary Radar Mitigation Scheme - Moray East Offshore Windfarm Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Herring Larvae Survey Reports - Moray East Offshore Windfarm Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Commencement of Development Notification - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Repair of Meteorological Mast - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 05957 Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Meteorological Mast - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth, 04061 Licence Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Ornithology - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Power Analysis for Pre-construction Aerial Surveys - Meeting 01/05/2018
MFRAG - Ornithology - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Pre construction Power Analysis for Digital Aerial Surveys of Puffin - Meeting 21/02/2019
MFRAG - Main Group - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Telemetry Study of Post-Smolt Emigration Behaviour - Meeting 11/05/2015
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – 06347 – Marine Licence Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – 05340 – Marine Licence Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 07086 - Deposit, Backfill of Seabed Depression - Environmental Information Application Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – Deposit, Backfill of Seabed Depressions Marine Licence Application Application Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 07086 - Deposit, Backfill of Seabed Depressions - Marine Licence Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 06347/19/0 - Offshore Substation Platforms Marine Licence (varied) Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Modified Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East - 05340/19/0 Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - MFRAG minute of meeting of 08/05/19 Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Piling Strategy (OfTI PS) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Safety Zone - Public Notice Application
Vessel Management Plan and Navigation Safety Plan (VMP & NSP) - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – Piling Strategy (PS) - 2019 Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Safety Zone – Decision Letter - May 2019 Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Safety Zone - Ministerial Submission Determination Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Cable Plan (OfTI CaP) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – Cable Plan (CaP) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Cable Plan Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Cable Plan Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - UXO Clearance - Appropriate Assessment Determination Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - MS EPS 02/2019/0 - EPS Licence Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 06857 - Marine Licence Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Air Traffic Control Radar Mitigation Scheme Approval Letter Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Environmental Clerk of Works (ECoW) Approval Letter Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Marine Archeological Reporting Protocol (MARP) and Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Exempted Activity Notice – Sediment Sampling Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Exempted Activity Notice – Salmon Tracking Study Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Emergency Response Cooperation Plan (ERCoP) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Traffic and Transportation Plan (TTP) - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Television and Radio Reception Mitigation Plan (TRRMP) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - MFRAG minute of meeting of 26/07/18 Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Addendum to the Marine Mammals Monitoring Plan Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Unexploded Ordinance EPS Licence Application Application Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Unexploded Ordnance Marine Licence Application Application Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Telford Intimation of Assignation Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Stevenson Intimation of Assignation Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - MacColl Intimation of Assignation Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Telford Offshore Wind Farm (Variation) - 04629/18/1 & 04629/19/0 Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 04627/19/0 - Stevenson Marine Licence (varied) Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 04628/19/0 - MacColl Marine Licence (varied) Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - MacColl Assignation Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Stevenson Assignation Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Telford Assignation Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Telford Assignor Letter Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Telford Assignee Letter Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Stevenson Assignee Letter Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Stevenson Assignor Letter Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - MacColl Assignor Letter Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - MacColl Assignee Letter Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Design Statement Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Appropriate assessment Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Project Environmental Monitoring Programme (PEMP) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Marine Pollution Contingency Plan (MPCP) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Construction Programme and Construction Method Statement (CoP & CMS) - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Lighting and Marking Plan (LMP) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Safety Zone Application Application Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Development Specification and Layout Plan (DSLP) Post-consent Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - MS EPS 19 2017 0 - European Protected Species Licence Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Scoping Report Pre-application Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Scoping Opinion Request Pre-application Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Scoping Opinion Pre-application Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Scoping Opinion Addendum - Ornithology Pre-application Renewables - Wind