Operation and Maintenance Survey Summary Report 2024 - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Outer Moray Firth |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2025-01-13 |
Moray East - Project Environmental Monitoring Programme (WF PEMP and OFTI PEMP) |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2023-07-04 |
Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Wind Farm Operation and Maintenance Programme - June 2022 |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2022-10-25 |
Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Commercial Fisheries Mitigation Strategy |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2022-05-04 |
Marine Licence Variation - MaCColl Offshore Wind Farm - 09424 |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2022-01-28 |
Marine Licence (Variation) Telford Offshore Wind Farm - 09426 |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2022-02-16 |
Moray East - Operation & Maintenance Programmes (OMP) |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2021-09-30 |
Marine Licence -Telford Offshore Wind Farm (Variation) - 09051 |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2020-11-25 |
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 00008972 |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2020-11-25 |
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04627/00008985 |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2020-11-25 |
Marine Licence Application - Met Mast Decommissioning - Moray Firth - 07363 |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2020-07-06 |
Marine Licence - Telford Offshore Wind Farm (Varied) 2020 - 04629 |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2020-04-29 |
Marine Licence - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm (Varied) 2020 - 04628 |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2020-04-29 |
Marine Licence - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm (Varied) 2020 - 04627 |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2020-04-29 |
Marine Licence Application - New Pontoon - Fraserburgh Harbour - 07231 |
Application |
Pontoon |
2022-11-28 |
Scoping Report - (Offshore Transmission Infrastructure, cables and substations) -Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Pre-application |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-18 |
Public Notice - Application to Construct and Operate an Offshore Generating Station - MacColl, Telford and Stevenson Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Application |
2019-12-18 |
Public Notice - Application to Construct and Operate an Offshore Generating Station - MacColl, Telford and Stevenson Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Application |
2019-12-18 |
Additional Information (Ornithology), MacColl, Telford and Stevenson Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore WInd Farm, Outer Moray Firth |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-18 |
Consultation Responses (2012) - MacColl, Telford and Stevenson Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Determination |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-18 |
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 04630 |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-18 |
Environmental Statement - MacColl, Telford and Stevenson Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farms, Outer Moray Firth |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-18 |
Marine Licence Application - Construction and Operation of Offshore Generating Station - Telford Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-17 |
Marine Licence Application - Construction and Operation of offshore generating station, Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 04627 |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-17 |
Marine Licence Application - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 05340 |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-17 |
Marine Licence Application Form - Construction and operation of generating station - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 04628 |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-17 |
Section 36 Application Letter - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-17 |
Television and Radio Reception Mitigation Plan - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-10-01 |
Marine Licence Application - Deposit, Backfill of Seabed Depressions - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 07086 |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-07-01 |
Submission to Ministers - Section 36 (Variation) Application - MacColl, Stevenson and Telford Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Determination |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-05 |
Section 36 Consent (Variation) Application, Maccoll, Stevenson and Telford Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-05 |
Piling Strategy 2016 - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-05 |
Marine Licence Application - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 05340 |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-05 |
Pre Application Consultation Report - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East, Outer Moray Firth |
Pre-application |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-05 |
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 05340 |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-03 |
Consent Decision - Environmental Impact Assessment - Modified Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 05340 |
Determination |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-03 |
Appropriate Assessment - Modified Offshore Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 05340 |
Determination |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-03 |
Consultation responses - Construction and Operation of Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 06347 |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-03 |
Consultation responses - Construction and Operation of Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 06347 |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-03 |
Marine Licence - Offshore Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 06347 |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2017-05-01 |
Marine Licence - Offshore Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 06347 |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2017-05-01 |
Marine Licence Application - Offshore Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 06347 |
Renewables - Wind |
2017-05-01 |
Scoping Report - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Pre-application |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-03 |
Scoping Opinion - Modified Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Pre-application |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-12-03 |
Scoping Report - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Moray East Offshore WInd Farm |
Pre-application |
Renewables - Wind |
2010-01-01 |
Scoping Opinion- Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Pre-application |
Renewables - Wind |
2012-08-02 |
Submission to Ministers - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind Farm - Telford Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2012-08-02 |
Project Map - Construction and Operation of Telford Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2012-08-02 |
Decision Notice - Construction and Operation of Telford Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-11-27 |
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of the Telford Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth - 04629 |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-11-27 |
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04627 |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-11-27 |
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04627 |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-11-27 |
Submission to Ministers- Construction and Operation of Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth |
Determination |
Renewables - Wind |
2012-08-02 |
Project Map - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2012-08-02 |
Project Map - Construction and Operation of Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2012-08-02 |
Decision Notice - Construction and Operation of Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2014-03-14 |
Submission to Ministers - Construction and Operation of MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm,Outer Moray Firth |
Determination |
Renewables - Wind |
2014-03-19 |
Project Map - Construction and Operation of MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2012-08-02 |
Project Map - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2012-08-02 |
Decision Notice - Construction and Operation of MacColl Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2014-03-19 |
Environmental Impact Assessment Consent Decision- Construction and Operation of Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Determination |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-11-27 |
Appropriate Assessment - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Determination |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-11-27 |
Appropriate Assessment - Construction and Operation of Offshore Generating Station - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Determination |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-11-27 |
Marine Licence- Construction and Operation of Generating Station - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04628 |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-11-27 |
Marine Licence - Repair of Meteorological Mast - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Moray Firth - 05957 |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-11-13 |
MFRAG - Marine Mammals - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Addendum to the Construction Marine Mammals Monitoring Programme |
2018-09-19 |
Ecological Clerk of Works - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-11-08 |
Primary Radar Mitigation Scheme - Moray East Offshore Windfarm |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-11-08 |
Herring Larvae Survey Reports - Moray East Offshore Windfarm |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-11-08 |
Commencement of Development Notification - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-11-08 |
Marine Licence Application - Repair of Meteorological Mast - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 05957 |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-11-08 |
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Meteorological Mast - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth, 04061 |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-11-08 |
MFRAG - Ornithology - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Power Analysis for Pre-construction Aerial Surveys - Meeting 01/05/2018 |
2018-04-01 |
MFRAG - Ornithology - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Pre construction Power Analysis for Digital Aerial Surveys of Puffin - Meeting 21/02/2019 |
2016-01-15 |
MFRAG - Main Group - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Telemetry Study of Post-Smolt Emigration Behaviour - Meeting 11/05/2015 |
2015-04-25 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – 06347 – Marine Licence |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-04-04 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – 05340 – Marine Licence |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-04-04 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 07086 - Deposit, Backfill of Seabed Depression - Environmental Information |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-10-11 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – Deposit, Backfill of Seabed Depressions Marine Licence Application |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-10-11 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 07086 - Deposit, Backfill of Seabed Depressions - Marine Licence |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-10-11 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 06347/19/0 - Offshore Substation Platforms Marine Licence (varied) |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-07-23 |
Marine Licence Variation - Modified Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East - 05340/19/0 |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-07-19 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - MFRAG minute of meeting of 08/05/19 |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-06-14 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Piling Strategy (OfTI PS) |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Safety Zone - Public Notice |
Application |
Vessel Management Plan and Navigation Safety Plan (VMP & NSP) - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-03-26 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – Piling Strategy (PS) - 2019 |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-03-08 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Safety Zone – Decision Letter - May 2019 |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-05-08 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Safety Zone - Ministerial Submission |
Determination |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-04-26 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Cable Plan (OfTI CaP) |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2022-11-28 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – Cable Plan (CaP) |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-05-20 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Cable Plan |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Cable Plan |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - UXO Clearance - Appropriate Assessment |
Determination |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-03-25 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - MS EPS 02/2019/0 - EPS Licence |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-03-25 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 06857 - Marine Licence |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-03-25 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Air Traffic Control Radar Mitigation Scheme Approval Letter |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Environmental Clerk of Works (ECoW) Approval Letter |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
Marine Archeological Reporting Protocol (MARP) and Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Exempted Activity Notice – Sediment Sampling |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Exempted Activity Notice – Salmon Tracking Study |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-03-18 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Emergency Response Cooperation Plan (ERCoP) |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-07-17 |
Traffic and Transportation Plan (TTP) - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Television and Radio Reception Mitigation Plan (TRRMP) |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - MFRAG minute of meeting of 26/07/18 |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-03-18 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Addendum to the Marine Mammals Monitoring Plan |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-10-08 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Unexploded Ordinance EPS Licence Application |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-12-03 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Unexploded Ordnance Marine Licence Application |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-12-13 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Telford Intimation of Assignation |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-06-25 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Stevenson Intimation of Assignation |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-06-25 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - MacColl Intimation of Assignation |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-06-25 |
Marine Licence - Telford Offshore Wind Farm (Variation) - 04629/18/1 & 04629/19/0 |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-07-19 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 04627/19/0 - Stevenson Marine Licence (varied) |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-07-19 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 04628/19/0 - MacColl Marine Licence (varied) |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-07-19 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - MacColl Assignation |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2022-11-28 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Stevenson Assignation |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2022-11-28 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Telford Assignation |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2022-11-28 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Telford Assignor Letter |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-06-08 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Telford Assignee Letter |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-06-08 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Stevenson Assignee Letter |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-06-08 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - Stevenson Assignor Letter |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-06-08 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - MacColl Assignor Letter |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-06-08 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Assignation - MacColl Assignee Letter |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-06-08 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Design Statement |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-10-17 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Appropriate assessment |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-11-16 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Environmental Management Plan (EMP) |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Project Environmental Monitoring Programme (PEMP) |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Marine Pollution Contingency Plan (MPCP) |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
Construction Programme and Construction Method Statement (CoP & CMS) - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-04-24 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Lighting and Marking Plan (LMP) |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2019-07-17 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Safety Zone Application |
Application |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Development Specification and Layout Plan (DSLP) |
Post-consent |
Renewables - Wind |
2018-08-16 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - MS EPS 19 2017 0 - European Protected Species Licence |
Licence |
Renewables - Wind |
2017-07-12 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Scoping Report |
Pre-application |
Renewables - Wind |
2017-03-01 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Scoping Opinion Request |
Pre-application |
Renewables - Wind |
2017-03-06 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Scoping Opinion |
Pre-application |
Renewables - Wind |
2017-05-09 |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Scoping Opinion Addendum - Ornithology |
Pre-application |
Renewables - Wind |
2017-06-16 |