British Crown and OceanWise
Title | Copyright or Terms of Use |
Bathymetry (OceanWise Marine Themes DEM) |
Marine Themes Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the Seabed generated from single beam echo sounder (SBES) and multi beam echo sounder (MBES), where available, and Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) or GEBCO derived data where not. The 1 arc second resolution data set is divided and supplied as 0.5 degree x 0.5 degree tiles. The 6 arc second resolution data set is divided and supplied as 2.0 degree x 2.0 degree tiles. The coastline used in the DEM is based on the High Water Line extracted the largest scale Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) available for a given area, edited to be contiguous and attributed by height extracted from the Vertical Offshore Reference Frame (VORF). |
Hydrographic Charts - Raster Charts XL (OceanWise) (Not visible at all scales) |
OceanWise's Raster Charts XL are derived from raster-based hydrographic charts obtained under licence from the UK, and other, Hydrographic Offices where land and other non-marine features have been removed. This provides familiarity for users who work with nautical charts and has the advantage of being able to combine it with any land mapping, or aerial imagery, of your choice. If you find any errors on these products please contact Oceanwise or the UK Hydrographic Office.
Anchor berths and anchorage areas |
This layer shows the anchorages that have been designated and where a harbour / port authority may request a vessel to anchor. A vessel may also anchor anywhere as directed by a harbour / port authority when within their jurisdiction. For the main ports, Marine Scotland has confirmed the data with the relevant harbour / port authority. This dataset contains licenced data from OceanWise. |
Defence (Military) - Military exercise areas and danger areas (PEXAs) |
The Ministry of Defence uses Scotland's coasts and seas. The coasts are mainly used for training and locating bases. The seas, while also used for training, are important for test and evaluation activities as well as surveillance and monitoring of potential threats, and for combating these threats. This layer displays the areas of Scottish seas which are actively in use by the MOD. The dataset shows only those areas within Scottish waters and is derived from data licensed from OceanWise, corroborated by the UKHO PEXA web application. |
Navigation channels (Recommended Routes and Fairways) |
This layer shows the navigational channels, fairways and buoyed areas around / within ports that are used for the purposes of guiding shipping movements. Ships may also be seen outwith these areas if there is sufficient water depth. Fairways are that part of a river, harbour and so on, where the main navigable channel for vessels of larger size lies. It is also the usual course followed by vessels entering or leaving harbours, called ‘ship channel’ (as defined in the International Hydrographic Organisation). For the main ports, Marine Scotland has confirmed the data with the relevant harbour / port authority. This dataset contains data licenced from OceanWise. |