Marine Licence documentation

Title Updated datesort ascending
Marine Licence - Deposit of Oyster Shells - Loch Ryan, Dumfries and Galloway - 07059 17/06/2020
Marine Licence - Marine Farm - South Holm, Unst - 07114 17/06/2020
Marine Licence Variation - Marine Farm - Am Camas, Loch Boisdale - 06337 17/06/2020
Marine Licence Variation - Marine Farm - Dornoch Firth - 06662 17/06/2020
Marine Licence Variation - Marine Farm - Dornoch Firth - 06663 17/06/2020
Marine Licence Application - Dawnfresh Farming Ltd - Marine Farm - Sailean Ruadh, Loch Etive - 07313 15/06/2020
Marine Licence Variation - Finfish Farm - Calbha Site 5, Eddrachilles, Sutherland - 05586 12/06/2020
Marine Licence - Hydro Power Scheme - Nethenermills Weir Works, Ayr - 07072 12/06/2020
Marine Licence Application - Dredging - Kirkmaiden Community Harbour Trust - Drummore Quay - 06988 12/06/2020
Marine Licence Variation - Initial Enabling Infrastructure Works - Dry Dock 2, Scotstoun Shipyard, River Clyde - 06272 11/06/2020
Marine Licence Variation - Capital Dredging & Sea Disposal - Deep Water Berth & Dry Dock 2, Scotstoun Shipyard, River Clyde - 06271 11/06/2020
Uig Ferry Terminal Development - European Protected Species Licence 11/06/2020
Marine Licence Application - Bridge Maintenance - Creagan Bridge, Argyll and Bute - 07275 11/06/2020
Marine Licence - Uig Harbour Redevelopment - Dredging & Sea Disposal - 06910 11/06/2020
Marine Licence - The Highland Council - Uig Harbour Redevelopment, Construction - 06909 11/06/2020
Marine Licence - New Mooring - Port A'Chapuill, Argyll - 07217 10/06/2020
St. Ola Pier Redevelopment - European Protected Species Licence 10/06/2020
St. Ola Pier Redevelopment - Basking Shark Licence 10/06/2020
Marine Licence - Maintenance Dredging and Sea Deposit - Stranraer Harbour - 06844 10/06/2020
Appropriate Assessment - Uig Ferry Terminal Development 08/06/2020
Consultation Responses - Uig Ferry Terminal Development 08/06/2020
Marine Licence - Seaweed Removal - Hunterston B Power Station, West Kilbride - 07254 05/06/2020
Marine Licence - Marine Farm - Veantrow Bay, Orkney - 07233 05/06/2020
Marine Licence - Moorings - Oban Bay - 07156 05/06/2020
Marine Licence - Wellboat Discharge - Plocrapol, Isle of Harris - 07260 05/06/2020


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