Marine Licence documentation

Title Updated datesort ascending
Submission to Minister - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast 19/04/2024
Derogation Case - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast 19/04/2024
Without-Prejudice HRA Derogation Case - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast 19/04/2024
Marine Licence - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure (2 of 2) - East of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010232 19/04/2024
Marine Licence - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - Generating Station - East of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010230 19/04/2024
Marine Licence - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure (1 of 2) - East of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010231 19/04/2024
Screening Opinion Request - Construction of Flood Defences - Gruggies Burn - SCR-0073 19/04/2024
Screening Opinion - Section 36 Consent Variation - Forthwind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth 17/04/2024
Representations - Additional Information consultation - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast 15/04/2024
Marine Licence Variation - Renewables Construction Works and Deposits - Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - 00010689 12/04/2024
Marine Licence Variation - Renewables Construction Works and Deposits - Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - 00010689 12/04/2024
Marine Licence - Temporary deposits - Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - 00010668 12/04/2024
Marine Licence - Deposit of Native Oysters - Inchmickery, Firth of Forth - 00010639 12/04/2024
Marine Licence - Deposit of Native Oysters - Inchkeith, Firth of Forth - 00010643 12/04/2024
Marine Licence - Moorings - Craighouse, Ardminish Bay, Port Ellen - 00010625 12/04/2024
Marine Licence Application - Outfall Maintenance and Repair - Inverboyndie, Aberdeenshire - 00010633 12/04/2024
Marine Licence - Removal of Outfall Pipe - Bowling, West Dunbartonshire - 00010478 11/04/2024
Marine Licence Application - Cable Replacement - Orkney to Shapinsay - 00010732 11/04/2024
Marine Licence Application - Moorings - Loch a Choire, Loch Linnhe - 00010688 11/04/2024
Appropriate Assessment - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC 11/04/2024
Scoping Report - Bellrock Offshore Wind Farm 10/04/2024
HRA Screening Report - Bellrock Offshore Wind Farm 10/04/2024
Marine Licence - Scour Protection - Bridge of Dee (A92) Aberdeen - 00010348 10/04/2024
European Protected Species Licence - UXO Clearance Activities - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - 00010676 10/04/2024
European Protected Species Licence Application - UXO Clearance Activities - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - 00010676 10/04/2024


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