Marine Licence documentation

Title Updated datesort ascending
06849 - Marine Licence 04/03/2019
06880 - Marine Licence 04/03/2019
06828 – Marine Licence 04/03/2019
06828 - Marine Licence - Bear Scotland Ltd 04/03/2019
06816 - Scottish Sea Farms Ltd - Final Licence 04/03/2019
06861 - Moorings Licence 04/03/2019
06909/06910 - Biotope Characterisation 01/03/2019
06909/06910 - Sediment Disposal Site Seabed Survey 01/03/2019
06909/06910 - Benthic Data 01/03/2019
05165 – Marine Licence Variation Application 28/02/2019
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - MS EPS 31 2018 0 25/02/2019
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Decision - Public Notice 25/02/2019
Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm - Nearshore Survey - European Protected Species Application and Supporting Documents 11/02/2019
Moray West Offshore Windfarm - Report to inform Appropriate Assessment 01/02/2019
Meygen Limited - 04577/16/0 - Marine Licence Variation 24/01/2019
Meygen Limited - 04577/15/0 - Marine Licence Variation 24/01/2019
Meygen Limited - 04577/14/0 - Marine Licence 24/01/2019
Meygen Limited - 04577/17/1 - Marine Licence Variation 24/01/2019
Caithness Moray HVDC Cable - 06600/18/1 - Marine Licence Variation 22/01/2019
Construction, Operation and Deposit of a Tidal Energy Device - 06818 - Marine Licence Application 17/01/2019
Construction, Operation and Deposit of a Tidal Energy Device - 06818 - Navigational Risk Assessment 17/01/2019
Construction, Operation and Deposit of a Tidal Energy Device - 06818 - Environmental Monitoring Programme 17/01/2019
Construction, Operation and Deposit of a Tidal Energy Device - 06818 - Project Information Summary 17/01/2019
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Section 36 Consent Variation - Public Notice 17/01/2019
Construction, Operation and Deposit of a Tidal Energy Device - 06818 - Consultation Responses 17/01/2019


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