
Sites and vessels designated under the Protection of Military Remains Act 1986 ("war graves") - protected wrecks

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The Protection of Military Remains Act 1986 deals with wrecks of both aircraft and ships, and all military aircraft are automatically protected under this legislation. This dataset show the locations of protected places and controlled sites designated under The Protection of Military Remains Act 1986 (Designation of Vessels and Controlled Sites) Order 2017. Commonly called "war graves", they are more correctly referred to as "military maritime graves".

Layer derived from the UKHO Global Wrecks and Obstructions Shapefile

Sea Fisheries Statistics - Ports (2013 onwards)

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The annual Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics report is aggregated into districts, which reflect the area of responsibility of the local fishery office. This dataset shows the approximate location (point) of the ports and creeks within each district. The districts are for illustrative purposes only. The dataset was updated in 2013 to reflect changes to Ullapool district and renaming Pittenweem district as Anstruther.


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