
VMS - UK activity associated with Oil and Gas Pipelines (2007-2015) - Dredges

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The layers provide information on the intensity of mobile fishing associated with Oil and Gas pipelines and cables. Each layer was created by calculating the total number of fishing tracks in 1 km by 1 km squares along the length of each pipeline for four gear categories (see Rouse et al 2017). Fishing tracks were recreated for UK vessels greater than 15 m in length between 2007-2015 operating mobile demersal gear (otter trawls, pair trawls, beam trawlers and dredges) using vessel position data extracted from the Vessel Monitoring System.

The layers can be used to aid the pipeline decommissioning process, including assessing the potential impacts and risks of different decommissioning options to commercial fisheries and informing the frequency of post-decommissioning monitoring according to level of fisheries interaction. The layers can also inform risk modelling for operational pipelines.

This layer depicts fishing intensity by Dredges and uses the time-aware functionality to filter by year.

The data must be attributed with the statement "© Crown Copyright, All rights reserved. (Scottish Government). Contains data © CDA Ltd".

VMS - UK activity associated with Oil and Gas Pipelines (2007-2015) - Nephrops Trawls

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

The layers provide information on the intensity of mobile fishing associated with Oil and Gas pipelines and cables. Each layer was created by calculating the total number of fishing tracks in 1 km by 1 km squares along the length of each pipeline for four gear categories (see Rouse et al 2017). Fishing tracks were recreated for UK vessels greater than 15 m in length between 2007-2015 operating mobile demersal gear (otter trawls, pair trawls, beam trawlers and dredges) using vessel position data extracted from the Vessel Monitoring System.

The layers can be used to aid the pipeline decommissioning process, including assessing the potential impacts and risks of different decommissioning options to commercial fisheries and informing the frequency of post-decommissioning monitoring according to level of fisheries interaction. The layers can also inform risk modelling for operational pipelines.

This layer depicts fishing intensity by Nephrops trawls and uses the time-aware functionality to filter by year.

The data must be attributed with the statement "© Crown Copyright, All rights reserved. (Scottish Government). Contains data © CDA Ltd".

VMS - UK activity associated with Oil and Gas Pipelines (2007-2015) - All Gears

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

The layers provide information on the intensity of mobile fishing associated with Oil and Gas pipelines and cables. Each layer was created by calculating the total number of fishing tracks in 1 km by 1 km squares along the length of each pipeline for four gear categories (see Rouse et al 2017). Fishing tracks were recreated for UK vessels greater than 15 m in length between 2007-2015 operating mobile demersal gear (otter trawls, pair trawls, beam trawlers and dredges) using vessel position data extracted from the Vessel Monitoring System.
The layers can be used to aid the pipeline decommissioning process, including assessing the potential impacts and risks of different decommissioning options to commercial fisheries and informing the frequency of post-decommissioning monitoring according to level of fisheries interaction. The layers can also inform risk modelling for operational pipelines.

This layer depicts fishing intensity by all gears and uses the time-aware functionality to filter by year.

The data must be attributed with the statement "© Crown Copyright, All rights reserved. (Scottish Government). Contains data © CDA Ltd".


Areas where fishing of QUEEN SCALLOPS is restricted

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

Fishing pressures can be managed using spatial measures such as prohibiting or restricting certain types of fishing, target species, or vessel capacity. This dataset depicts restrictions of QUEEN SCALLOPS defined by EU, UK and Scottish legislation since 1986. Polygons were simplified for web use and are for illustrative purposes only. Guidance should be sought from Fishery Offices on interpreting legislation.


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