
UKCP09 Projections - Change in near bed temperature (ºC) by 2085, compared to 1975, medium emissions scenario – summer

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UKCP09 is the name given to the UK Climate Projections. UKCP09 provides future climate projections for land and marine regions as well as observed (past) climate data for the UK.This layer is part of the Sea Surface and Seabed Temperature Change  sub-set of the UKCP09 marine and coastal projections up to 2090s using a medium emission scenario and, where appropriate, medium probability. It displays the change in sea bed temperature for Summer up to 2085 under a medium emissions scenario.

Summarising the anticipated changes around Scotland based on central estimate projections for 2080-90 using the medium emission scenario, sea surface temperature is projected to be between 2 and 2.5ºC warmer although in summer north and west of Scotland may be only 1ºC warmer. The autumn seems to be when most warming will be evident. At the sea bed, warming is similar as at the surface, but only on the shallow continental shelf. In the deep waters surrounding Scotland, off the shelf, temperatures are projected to change very little. There is quite a lot of both regional and seasonal variation in temperature change.

UKCP09 projections - Extreme water level (cm) - 2095 projection - 50-year return extreme water level above the highest astronomical tide (due to storm surge + medium emissions relative sea level rise)

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

UKCP09 is the name given to the UK Climate Projections. UKCP09 provides future climate projections for land and marine regions as well as observed (past) climate data for the UK.This layer is part of the Sea Level / Storm surges, Tides and Wave Height Change sub-set of the UKCP09 marine and coastal projections up to 2090s using a medium emission scenario and, where appropriate, medium probability. It displays the  2095 projection of the exceedance of the Highest Astronomical Tides by 50-year return period storm surge combined with a central estimate of relative sea level under a medium emissions scenario.

Summarising the anticipated changes around Scotland based on central estimate projections for 2080-90 using the medium emission scenario, Storm surges / tides current estimates do not suggest storminess will increase significantly over Scotland making the predictions of increases in storm surge heights over the next 100 years small. For example extreme storm surges with return periods of 2, 10, 20 and 50 years are between about 1 and 3 cm by 2095. There is some regional variation.  Currently, the highest storm surge that may occur in a 50-year period raises the sea surface by between 90 and 180 cm. The effect is least on the east coast and in Shetland, and greatest on the west coast. The central estimate predicts that by 2095, these extreme water levels will have changed very little.

UKCP09 Projections - Change in near bed temperature (ºC) by 2085, compared to 1975, medium emissions scenario – spring

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

UKCP09 is the name given to the UK Climate Projections. UKCP09 provides future climate projections for land and marine regions as well as observed (past) climate data for the UK.This layer is part of the Sea Surface and Seabed Temperature Change  sub-set of the UKCP09 marine and coastal projections up to 2090s using a medium emission scenario and, where appropriate, medium probability. It displays the change in sea bed temperature for Spring up to 2085 under a medium emissions scenario.

Summarising the anticipated changes around Scotland based on central estimate projections for 2080-90 using the medium emission scenario, sea surface temperature is projected to be between 2 and 2.5ºC warmer although in summer north and west of Scotland may be only 1ºC warmer. The autumn seems to be when most warming will be evident. At the sea bed, warming is similar as at the surface, but only on the shallow continental shelf. In the deep waters surrounding Scotland, off the shelf, temperatures are projected to change very little. There is quite a lot of both regional and seasonal variation in temperature change.

UKCP09 Projections - Rise in Relative Sea Level (cm), 2095 compared to 1985, medium emissions scenario

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

UKCP09 is the name given to the UK Climate Projections. UKCP09 provides future climate projections for land and marine regions as well as observed (past) climate data for the UK.This layer is part of the Sea Level / Storm surges, Tides and Wave Height Change sub-set of the UKCP09 marine and coastal projections up to 2090s using a medium emission scenario and, where appropriate, medium probability. It displays the change in relative sea level.

Summarising the anticipated changes around Scotland based on central estimate projections for 2080-90 using the medium emission scenario for relative sea level, the least predicted rise, about 30 cm by 2095, occurs in the Clyde to Skye coastal waters, as well as the inner Firth of Forth and Moray Firth. The remainder of the mainland experience approximately 35 cm rise over the same period, while the Hebrides and Orkney experience a rise of 40 cm, and about 50 cm in Shetland.


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