
Demonstration and Research Marine Protected Areas (DR MPA) contributing to the MPA Network (OSCP)

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Demonstration and Research Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are designated by Scottish Ministers under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010. Sites can be established for the purpose of demonstrating, or carrying out research on sustainable methods of marine management or exploitation in Scottish territorial waters. Their application is not restricted to nature conservation. Proposals will be developed and assessed according to a set of specific guidelines which will examine the scientific case for a MPA, the level of support and the reasons why a MPA is the most appropriate mechanism to use. This layer displays the locations of these DR MPAs.

Possible Marine Conservation Orders (MCOs) and fisheries management measures for consultation (MPAs and SACs) - November 2019

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Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are designated under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 or the UK Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. They have to be managed in a way that furthers the conservation objectives. The EU Habitats Directive requires Special Areas of Conservation (and Special Protection Areas) to be managed in a way that prevents deterioration of the qualifying features.  This layer contains proposed boundaries and measures which are subject to Marine Conservation Orders (MCOs), the Inshore Fishing (Scotland) Act 1984 or the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and is subject to change.

Inshore Fishing - Shetland - Important Shellfish Dredging Grounds (NAFC) - July 2013

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This layer shows locations within Shetland important for shellfish dredging, as plotted in the Shetland Marine Spatial Plan. Locally compiled and validated dataset. Data supplied from two sources: interviews with Shetland fishermen, where fishing grounds were drawn on maps; and predictive mapping (contracted to Envision Mapping Ltd).  Data set may be incomplete. Consultation with fishermen / SFA is strongly advised.

The NAFC Marine Centre reserves all copyright and database rights 2013. Not suitable for use in navigation.

Inshore Fishing - Shetland - Important Shellfish Creeling Grounds (NAFC) - July 2013

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This layer shows locations within Shetland important for shellfish creeling, as plotted in the Shetland Marine Spatial Plan. Locally compiled and validated dataset. Data supplied from two sources: interviews with Shetland fishermen, where fishing grounds were drawn on maps; and predictive mapping (contracted to Envision Mapping Ltd). The contractor created a broadscale seabed habitat (with biotope codes) and then cross-referenced with shellfish preference information to show the likelihood of the habitat distribution. These areas were validated by local fishermen. Data set may be incomplete. Consultation with fishermen / SFA is strongly advised

The NAFC Marine Centre reserves all copyright and database rights 2013. Not suitable for use in navigation


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