
Leisure Mooring Agreements - Crown Estate Scotland - December 2019

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The laying of a permanent mooring or other equipment to hold a vessel requires consent from the relevant landowner. For the seabed, this consent will nearly always come from Crown Estate Scotland, who issue three types of mooring licence.

  • Individual: This is suitable for private individuals
  • Commercial: A licence for businesses such as ferry operators, boatyards, charter boats and diving vessels
  • Associations:  Once established, associations are given a seabed agreement enabling them to manage their members’ moorings within a specific area. Associations are suitable for groups of ten or more moorings and provide a degree of security as pressure on areas traditionally occupied by moorings increases.

Human Population - Mid-2016 Population Density Estimates for Localities in Scotland (NRS)

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This layer shows population estimate by locality. The estimate is derived from the report "Mid-2016 Population Estimates for Settlements and Localities in Scotland" by National Records of Scotland (NRS). Localities correspond to the more recognisable towns and cities of Scotland which can be found within settlements. They also have a minimum rounded population of 500 people or more. The locality data sets are updated every 2 years.


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