
Ports and Harbours - Statutory harbour limits

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

Indicative polygons showing the statutory limits of harbour authorities around Scotland, including competent harbour authorities with responsibilities under the Pilotage Act 1987. The dataset generally uses S57 attributes for fieldnames, see http://www.s-57.com/ for more details. The dataset is derived from a number of sources (listed in attributes) and likely to be incomplete. The boundary polygons are intended for illustrative purposes and are not legally definitive.

Navigation channels (Recommended Routes and Fairways)

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

This layer shows the navigational channels, fairways and buoyed areas around / within ports that are used for the purposes of guiding shipping movements. Ships may also be seen outwith these areas if there is sufficient water depth. Fairways are that part of a river, harbour and so on, where the main navigable channel for vessels of larger size lies. It is also the usual course followed by vessels entering or leaving harbours, called ‘ship channel’ (as defined in the International Hydrographic Organisation).

For the main ports, Marine Scotland has confirmed the data with the relevant harbour / port authority. This dataset contains data licenced from OceanWise.  


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