
Aquaculture - Guidance on the location of marine fish farms - April 2024

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Category 1, 2 and 3 areas are designated on the basis of Marine Scotland predictive models to estimate environmental sensitivity of sea lochs. The maps describe the Category 1, 2 and 3 areas for the Scottish Government Locational Guidelines, designated on the basis of Marine Scotland Science predictive modelling to estimate nutrient enhancement and benthic impact in sea lochs or similar water bodies supporting aquaculture. The sum of these indices was used for the categorisation of areas as indicated: Combined 'nutrient enhancement' and 'benthic impact' indices 7 - 10 (Category 1), 5 - 6 (Category 2), 0 - 4 (Category 3). For a detailed explanation of how these categorisations were derived, refer to the Scottish Fisheries Research (now Marine Scotland Science) Report "Scottish Executive locational guidelines for fish farming: predicted levels of nutrient enhancement and benthic impact"

Aquaculture - Disease Management Areas - March 2024

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Management Areas were established in the Final Report of the Joint Government/Industry Working Group on Infectious Salmon Anaemia in January 2000, based on tidal excursions around active farms. Farms with overlapping tidal excursions will usually be within the same management area.

Recommendations include that all sites within the same management area follow an acceptable stocking strategy (see figure 10.1 in Code of Practice) such that fallowing within a management area is synchronised. Fish farmers are encouraged to look carefully at the areas before stocking sites. New sites that would have no effect on management areas or are in management areas of their own pose less of a risk to the spread of disease than those which bridge management areas.

Stocking a previously unused site that may bridge management areas should be avoided. Fish Farmers should consider not restocking a site if it would create a "fire break" and split one of the larger management areas into two smaller areas.

The Management Area Maps will be updated when a change in site use leads to a significant change a management area but if you require a map showing the effect of stocking or inactivating a specific site please contact the Duty Inspector at the Fish Health Inspectorate (FHI)

Areas where fishing is allowed by NON-UK vessels within Scottish waters - foreign fishing rights in coastal waters and the Faroes Special Area

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Non-UK fishing vessels require a licence from Scottish Ministers to fish within the Scottish Zone (https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2019/87/made). The current licence prohibits access within territorial sea (12NM) (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/united-kingdom-single-issuing-authority-uksi...)

Also includes the "special area" for fishing as defined in the "UK/Denmark: Protocol to agreement with Faroe Islands on maritime delimitation" (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/faroe-islands-maritime-delimitation) where third country fishing vessels can be authorised by Faroe Islands to fish within the Scottish zone


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