Dynamic Coast - Future Look 2100 Public (SNH WMS)

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The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 requires the development of an Adaptation Programme to take forward the risks identified within the UK’s Climate Change Risk Assessment (UK-CCRA). The UK-CCRA anticipates increases in sea level, coastal erosion and coastal flooding to increasingly affect Scotland’s soft coastlines and the assets found on these coasts. Shoreline Management Plans have been produced for only short sections of the Scottish coast which limits the information available to coastal managers. Consequently a National Coastal Change Assessment (NCCA) has been commissioned by the Scottish Government and is supported by a number of agencies.

This data was created to display the inland extent of projected coastal erosion, based on recent change (between the 1970s and Modern MHWS position). It displays four polygon data sets via the 'Change_Direction': Erosion (areas seawards of the 2100projected position of Mean High Water Springs), Erosion Influence (a 10m landward buffer of the projected position of 2100MHWS) and Erosion Vicinity (a further 50m landward buffer on Erosion Influence) and Accretion (a 5m buffer on MHWS where MHWS has moved seawards between 1970s and Modern data). This data contains the intersect values for society's assets (lengths of roads (km), areas of designates sites (ha)). This data was analysed as part of the‘Dynamic Coast’Scotland’s National Coastal Change Assessment, see www.dynamiccoast.com for more info.

This layer is part of a series of Scottish Natural Heritage Web Map Service (WMS) layers. The layers are best viewed at 1:433,434 or better as they are slow to draw.

Dynamic Coast - Scotland MHWS 1970 (SNH WMS)

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The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 requires the development of an Adaptation Programme to take forward the risks identified within the UK’s Climate Change Risk Assessment (UK-CCRA). The UK-CCRA anticipates increases in sea level, coastal erosion and coastal flooding to increasingly affect Scotland’s soft coastlines and the assets found on these coasts. Shoreline Management Plans have been produced for only short sections of the Scottish coast which limits the information available to coastal managers. Consequently a National Coastal Change Assessment (NCCA) has been commissioned by the Scottish Government and is supported by a number of agencies.

This layer shows Mean High Water Spring, digitised from OS National Grid 1:10,560/1:10,000 sheets. Epoch 1956 to 1995. Extent: Soft or Erodible shorelines. This data was digitised as part of ‘Dynamic Coast’ Scotland’s National Coastal Change Assessment, see www.dynamiccoast.com for more info.

This layer is part of a series of Scottish Natural Heritage Web Map Service (WMS) layers. The layers are best viewed at 1:433,434 or better as they are slow to draw.

Dynamic Coast - Scotland MHWS Modern (SNH WMS)

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 requires the development of an Adaptation Programme to take forward the risks identified within the UK’s Climate Change Risk Assessment (UK-CCRA). The UK-CCRA anticipates increases in sea level, coastal erosion and coastal flooding to increasingly affect Scotland’s soft coastlines and the assets found on these coasts. Shoreline Management Plans have been produced for only short sections of the Scottish coast which limits the information available to coastal managers. Consequently a National Coastal Change Assessment (NCCA) has been commissioned by the Scottish Government and is supported by a number of agencies.

This layer shows Mean High Water Spring, selected from OS MasterMap dataset and amended with data from additional sources. Epoch 2001 to 2016. Extent: Soft or Erodible shorelines. Additional sources include MHWS line extracted from public sector LiDAR surveys etc, where these we’re more representative than the OS data. This data was produced as part of ‘Dynamic Coast’ Scotland’s National Coastal Change Assessment, see www.dynamiccoast.com for more info.

This layer is part of a series of Scottish Natural Heritage Web Map Service (WMS) layers. The layers are best viewed at 1:433,434 or better as they are slow to draw.

Sound of Gigha - Slavonian grebe - Distribution (NatureScot WMS)

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

NatureScot and Joint Nature Conservation Committee have collated data from various sources forming the Geodatabase of Marine features adjacent to Scotland (GeMS). This collation of species and habitat records provides information on the known recorded distribution of Scottish Priority Marine Features (PMFs), and Annex I habitats in the marine environment and is used as the core evidence base to support the Scottish Marine Protected Area (MPA) network.

This web map service is a redacted version of the latest GEMS, providing non-sensitive data on the species and habitats included in the collation.


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