Oil and Gas - Quadrants (NSTA WMS)
This layer is a web mapping service from showing Quadrants (1 degree by 1 degree grid) covering both onshore and offshore UK.
This layer is a web mapping service from showing Quadrants (1 degree by 1 degree grid) covering both onshore and offshore UK.
This layer is part of the dataset that shows blocks and part blocks subject to periodic oil and gas licensing rounds. This layer is a Web mapping service from UK Oil & Gas Authority showing licence boundaries covering both onshore and offshore UK.
Web mapping service showing offshore hydrocarbon field outlines as provided by the operators at the point of field determination or re-determination. The data indicates approximate areas of fields only, not the full boundaries of the reservoirs.
This layer is a web mapping service showing unsanctioned discoveries. A discovery is any well where hydrocarbons were encountered but have not yet been developed into a production well.