Coastal and Vegetated Shingle (Habitat Map of Scotland) (NatureScot WMS)

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GIS based habitat polygons representing coastal vegetated shingle for Scotland. The dataset is derived from existing sources, modified through aerial photographic interpretation and field survey. This layer is intended to be the final pass since subsequent work was undertakento further validate the original CVS GIS layer produced by the GeoData Institute to improve accuracy where no secondary data were available. Field validation was carried out in Scotland in September and October 2011 and August to November 2012 by Roland Randall, Ian Strachan, Jonathan Cox, Alan Booth, Frazer Milne and S. Smith (CES) and Clive Bealey. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right (2016) Ian Strachan, Alan Booth and CES, Jon Cox and Roland Randall collected the data in the field. All post processing was carried out inhouse at the GeoData Institute by Dan Hall Ballester, Dan Ellis, Andy Murdock and Gemma Gubbins Please see the metadata for Coastal Vegetated Shingle Survey of Scotland for more details about this data and the full report. SNH Commissioned Report No. 739 - Inventory of coastal vegetated shingle in Scotland – field validation


Saltmarsh Survey (Habitat Map of Scotland) (NatureScot WMS)

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From 2010-2012 all known saltmarshes larger than 3ha were surveyed across the Scottish mainland and offshore islands, to compile the first detailed comprehensive national survey of this habitat in Scotland. All saltmarsh and brackish swamp was mapped using the National Vegetation Classification. All mapped areas were digitised to a 1:4,000 scale GIS database. The condition of each saltmarsh site visited was assessed. The primary aims of the Scottish Saltmarsh Survey (SSS) were to obtain information on the morphology, vegetation community structure and species found on saltmarsh sites above 3ha in area or 500m in linear extent. The survey was a joint project between Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). Please see the metadata for Saltmarsh Survey of Scotland for more details about this data

Sand Dune Vegetation (Habitat Map of Scotland) (NatureScot WMS)

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The Sand Dune Vegetation Survey of Scotland 2012 (SDVSS) is a digitised version of surveys completed by Dr. Tom Dargie between 1994-2000. Please see metadata for Sand Dune Vegetation Survey 2012 (SDVSS) for more details about this data. Qualifying habitat types, recorded in the SDVSS, were converted to Annex I habitats. The proportions for mosaics that were recorded as part of the original survey were maintained.

Solway Firth - Red-throated diver - Maximum curvature and distribution (NatureScot WMS)

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NatureScot and Joint Nature Conservation Committee have collated data from various sources forming the Geodatabase of Marine features adjacent to Scotland (GeMS). This collation of species and habitat records provides information on the known recorded distribution of Scottish Priority Marine Features (PMFs), and Annex I habitats in the marine environment and is used as the core evidence base to support the Scottish Marine Protected Area (MPA) network.

This web map service is a redacted version of the latest GEMS, providing non-sensitive data on the species and habitats included in the collation.


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