Chapter 1: Introduction
Scottish Marine Regions (SMRs) - Scottish Marine Regions Order 2015
Under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010, Scottish Ministers were given the power to identify the boundaries of Scottish Marine Regions (SMRs) for the purposes of regional marine planning. The Scottish Marine Regions Order 2015 identifies 11 Scottish Marine Regions and establishes their boundaries. Marine planning will take place at a local level within these regions, where regional marine planning will be delegated to Marine Planning Partnerships (MPPs). The order is available via
In August 2018, the Scottish Marine Regions were added to the Scottish Register of Geographic Codes as entity S41.
Marine Directorate Seabed photo locations
Marine Scotland has undertaken survey and monitoring work to provide expert scientific and technical advice to support Scottish Government policies and regulatory responsibilities. The videos and images produced during these seabed surveys are useful for a wide range of activities and research. These datasets have been georeferenced and mapped using Google Earth. This layer depicts the seabed video track locations.
Marine Directorate Seabed Tows
This dataset contains the location of all tows carried out between 2010 and 2013 whilst gathering footage and images during TV tows. (TV tows collected from 2010 to 2013.)