NMPi Catalogue

Layer Title Data Owner Downloadsort descending copyright
Map 42 - Tidal resource and licence locations (Part 1/2) No
Map 7 - National Nature Conservation Sites No
Map 44 - Oil and Gas infrastructure (Part 1/3) No
Areas where fishing is allowed by NON-UK vessels within Scottish waters - foreign fishing rights in coastal waters and the Faroes Special Area No
PFOW MSP Map 24 Defence Firing Range No
Metals - Cadmium (Cd) in Biota from 2013 (time-aware) No
Map 3 - Coastal Character Types (Part 3/3) No
Carbon budget and blue carbon stores - Predicted kelp habitat (P>20% cover) - SNH Commissioned Report 761 - August 2014 No
Deep Sea Sharks - Shovelnosed shark (Deania calcea) - distribution of abundance across the survey area No
PFOW MSP Map 1 Plan Area No
Map 9 - Nature and Bird Reserves No
PFOW MSP Map 16 Oil and Gas- Hydrocarbon Pipelines No
Marine Directorate Seabed photo locations No
Map 8 - Locally Protected Areas - Geosites No
Oil and Gas - Coal Mining Licence Areas (Coal Authority WMS) No


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