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Marine Directorate Offices and Locations

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

Marine Scotland is a Directorate of the Scottish Government and is responsible for the integrated management of Scotland's seas. This dataset shows the location of Marine Scotland laboratories, field stations, fishery offices, and policy teams throughout Scotland. Also includes home ports for marine protection vessels (MPVs) and home base for Marine Scotland aircraft. Building polygons were also added to Open Street Map to be visible on the National Marine Plan Interactive (NMPi) basemap.

Regional Inshore Fisheries Groups Areas (RIFGs)

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

Regional Inshore Fisheries Groups (RIFGs) are bodies that aim to improve the management of Scotland's inshore fisheries (out to twelve nautical miles) and to give commercial inshore fishermen a strong voice in wider marine management developments. Originally six pilot IFGs were established in 2009 (covering the Outer Hebrides, the Clyde, the south east of Scotland, the north west, small isles and Mull, and Moray Firth) and each developed an inshore fisheries management plan for its area. This was followed in 2013 by six Inshore Fisheries Groups (IFGs) covering all of the Scottish coast (except Shetland which has its own management arrangements). The West Coast and North & East Coast RIFGs were established in April 2016 and replace the four IFGs that formerly covered the Scottish mainland coast.

This layer shows the RIFG network, which includes the West Coast, North & East Coast and Outer Hebrides RIFGs, along with the Orkney Management Group and Shetland Shellfish Management Organisation. 

In 2020, the scope of RIFGs was extended to the 12NM limit as part of the Future Fisheries Management (FFM) policy.

Coal resources (hidden below 1:500,000)

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

On behalf of the Crown Estate, the British Geological Survey mapped the marine aggregate and mineral resources around Scotland. The data has been inferred from geological data, review of relevant literature and interpretation of boreholes.

The marine aggregate resources include:

  1. Sand and gravel (aggregate) resources,
  2. Prospective areas for Sand and gravel (aggregate) resources,
  3. Fill areas where the mud content of the sand is <10% and so is not considered a Sand and gravel (aggregate) resource; but is of value because it is suitable for fill in, for example, land reclamation use.

The mineral resources include:

  1. Coal resources
  2. Evaporite resources
  3. Metallic mineral resources

Each of the 6 resources can be viewed as an NMPI layer.

This layer displays the coal resources around Scotland as mapped, on behalf of the Crown Estate, by the British Geological Survey.



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